–Jason Ziller, Intel vice president and general manager of the Client Connectivity Division Why It Matters:Thunderbolt Share, powered by the unique Thunderbolt networking capability, enables users to interact with two PCs simply and efficiently – a solution that benefits users of multiple P...
Links Fwd with in site manager 指示在 FAST Search Web 爬网程序网站管理器内部转发的 URI/链接的数量。 NumberOfItems64 Links Fwd with in site worker 指示在 FAST Search Web 爬网程序网站工作器内部转发的 URI/链接的数量。 NumberOfItems64 MIME type application/atom xml ...
若要对大于 16 MB 的文件进行爬网,服务器管理员必须编辑位于以下位置的服务器系统注册表:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\14.0\Search\Global\Gathering Manager\MaxDownloadSize。 警告 不正确地编辑注册表可能会对系统造成严重损坏。更改注册表之前,应对计算机上的所有重要数据进行备份。 转到%...
DownloadMaxTime 指示最长下载时间。 float DownloadTotTime 指示总下载时间。 float FeedingStatus 指示向索引提交内容的操作是处于活动状态 (1) 还是已暂停 (0)。 long FirstUpdateTime 首次统计信息更新时间(时间戳)。 long HTTPResponse200 FAST Search Web 爬网程序收到响应 HTTP 200(正常)的次数。 long HTTPRes...
–Jason Ziller, Intel vice president and general manager of the Client Connectivity Division Why It Matters: Thunderbolt Share, powered by the unique Thunderbolt networking capability, enables users to interact with two PCs simply and efficiently – a solution that benefits users of multiple PCs. ...
Improved Zip Integration:Users can now easily download multiple files or folders directly to or from a ZIP archive with full logging and file integrity checking support. Flexible Email Formats:MOVEit Transfer now supports "Name <email>" format for From: field on SMTP host, improving readability ...
DownloadTimeCount 已下載的 Web 項目數。 int64 DownloadTimeAverage 用以下載 Web 項目的平均時間 (毫秒)。 float CacheHits 快取命中數。 int64 CacheMisses 快取遺漏數。 int64 CacheInserts 插入至快取的 Web 項目數。 int64 CacheSize 目前的快取項目數。 int64 CacheBytes 目前的快取大小 (位元組)。 int64...
Links Fwd with in site manager 指示在 FAST Search Web 爬网程序网站管理器内部转发的 URI/链接的数量。 NumberOfItems64 Links Fwd with in site worker 指示在 FAST Search Web 爬网程序网站工作器内部转发的 URI/链接的数量。 NumberOfItems64 MIME type application/atom xml ...
MultCloud is a professional and reliable cloud file manager that offers a great web interface for you to use, manage, and transfer data between 30+ brands of clouds efficiently and securely. Quickly access all cloud files:All your clouds will be displayed on the main page with storage informat...
DownloadMaxTime 指示最长下载时间。 float DownloadTotTime 指示总下载时间。 float FeedingStatus 指示向索引提交内容的操作是处于活动状态 (1) 还是已暂停 (0)。 long FirstUpdateTime 首次统计信息更新时间(时间戳)。 long HTTPResponse200 FAST Search Web 爬网程序收到响应 HTTP 200(正常)的次数。 long HTTPRes...