本产品含TransStart®FastPfuFly DNA Polymerase、dNTPs和优化的反应缓冲液,浓度为2×,扩增效率强,扩增速度快(≤5 kb基因可实现12 kb/min极速扩增,>5 kb基因可达到6 kb/min高速扩增),具有超高保真性、高特异性。DNA扩增时,只需加入模板、引物和水,使SuperMix溶液的浓度为1×即可进行反应。2×TransStart®Fast...
TransStart®FastPfuFly DNA Polymerase是用于快速PCR的热启动超高保真DNA聚合酶。该酶与TransStart®FastPfuDNA Polymerase相比,扩增速度更快(≤5 kb基因可实现12 kb/min的极速扩增,>5 kb基因可达到6 kb/min高速扩增),扩增效率更高,产量更高,保真性更高,灵敏度更高。2×TransStart®FastPfuFly Reaction Mix中已...
The amplified product of 2×TransStart®FastPfu Fly PCR SuperMix (+dye) can be analyzed by electrophoresis directly, and need to be purified to remove dye when applied in cloning. • Reduce PCR operation time. •Avoid contamination caused by multi-step operation. •TransStart® FastPfu ...
TransStart® FastPfu Fly DNA Polymerase 250 U×1 500 U×1 500 U×6 2×TransStart® FastPfu Fly Reaction Mix 1 ml×3 1.2 ml ×5 1.2 ml ×30 50 mM MgSO4 200 μl×1 400 μl ×1 1 ml ×1 6×DNA Loading Buffer 500 μl×1 1 ml ×1 1 ml ×2 PCR Stimulant 200 μl×1 ...
TransStart®FastPfuFly DNA Polymerase是用于快速PCR的热启动超高保真DNA聚合酶。该酶与TransStart®FastPfuDNA Polymerase相比,扩增速度更快(≤5 kb基因可实现12 kb/min的极速扩增,>5 kb基因可达到6 kb/min高速扩增),扩增效率更高,产量更高,保真性更高,灵敏度更高。2×TransStart®FastPfuFly Reaction Mix中已...
TransStart®FastPfuFly DNA Polymerase是用于快速PCR的热启动超高保真DNA聚合酶。该酶与TransStart®FastPfuDNA Polymerase相比,扩增速度更快(≤5 kb基因可实现12 kb/min的极速扩增,>5 kb基因可达到6 kb/min高速扩增),扩增效率更高,产量更高,保真性更高,灵敏度更高。2×TransStart®FastPfuFly Reaction Mix中已...