Today Roman Catholic authorities maintain that the faithful must fast only on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. They must also abstain from eating meat on these days, as well as on all Fridays during Lent. During the rest of the year, however, they are no longer required to forgo eating meat...
In many religions, feasts are supposed to be preceded by fasts: Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians are asked to fast on Good Friday before the celebration of Easter; Jews are to fast for 25 hours for Yom Kippur before ending the holy day with a large, festive meal. And the converse...
Here are some ideas. I’m classifying them as Hard, Medium, Easy: Hard: The good old “Black Fast” This is the traditional Lenten fast of our Catholic forebears. It goes like this: No more than one meal per day Flesh meat, eggs, butter, cheese and milk (all animal products) were...
The Catholic worldview concerns itself with the whole person; both body and soul. Thus, it may be worth speaking briefly on a problem that is prevalent in America today, one that is now spreading to other countries as well. It is the problem of our understanding of medicine, and in parti...
Immediately he ran into a problem: sales of hamburgers dropped sharply every Friday. That was because the restaurant was in Montfort Heights, a suburb full of Catholics. Sixty years ago, no Mass-goer would have dreamt of eating meat on Fridays. So Groen, himself a practising Catholic, ...
Fasting requirements for Catholics are outlined by the Code of Canon Law, and include eating no meat on the Fridays during Lent, as well as fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. (Fasting in this case refers to eating just one full meal a day.) Many Christians will make personal vows...
分享回复赞 穿越灵魂的黑夜吧 faustina513 Tradition Catholic: demonsHe performed severe penances, such as wearing a heavy chain around his waist and fasting seven times a year for forty days each! But he was most famous for his ecstatic flights or levitations, of which seventy are ... 分享回...