Lots of stress is bad for anyone and especially for those of us who have diabetes. But ironically some stress is healthful. That’s especially true about intermittent fasting. High levels of stress lead to high levels of blood sugar of people with diabetes. There really is a “stress-diabete...
Fasting before getting your blood drawn for cholesterol tests is common practice, but new research from Michigan State University shows it is a contributing factor of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, in patients who take diabetes medications. The study, published in theInternational Journal of Endoc...
we are assuming the answer is "fasting is never a good idea while pregnant", but we haven't seen all the criteria we were looking for: Gestational Diabetes, obesity, third trimester pregnancy, fasting to lower and maintain blood sugars, preventing a macrosomic infant. It is a lot easier ...
researchers led by Valter Longo at the University of Southern California, began by testing whether periodic fasting could cure diabetes in mice. They used mutant mice that lack the fat hormone leptin to regulate their food intake. These mice constantly...
Good adherence to the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk for NASH and diabetes in pediatric patients with obesity: The results of an Italian Study OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, it was demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet (MD) represents an ideal diet for all age groups and has an importa...
Our cry for help for the lost beauty, the cry to simply feel good in our body – the hell created by those damned diseases– the unkind reality named as Obesity, Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Cancer, Cardiovascular Abnormality, Erratic Blood Pressure, Brain Fog and...more names get on the list...
The vulnerability of cancer cells to nutrient deprivation and their dependency on specific metabolites are emerging hallmarks of cancer. Fasting or fasting-mimicking diets (FMDs) lead to wide alterations in growth factors and in metabolite levels, genera
A study published on the National Library of Medicine website suggests that intermittent fasting may help with the control ofblood sugarand potentially lower the risk of diabetes. However, more research on this is needed....
Normal fasting blood glucose is less than 100 mg/dL for people who do not have diabetes. However, if you have normal fasting blood sugar, but you have risk factors for diabetes or symptoms of diabetes, your doctor may decide to do a glucose tolerance test (see below) to be sure that ...
Fasting and thyroid conditions can be compatible, if done correctly. The thyroid is a small, but extremely important gland in the human body. TheNational Institute of Health (Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases division) describes the thyroid as“a 2-inch-long, butterfly-shaped gland weighing...