莱斯博士(Dr. John R. Rice, 1895-1980)说,"我知道当我们等候神的时候,真正的禁食和卑微的心态,会从神那里得到祂想赐给我们的福份!请…继续禁食祷告罢,直到神在福分中与你相遇"(Prayer: Asking and Receiving,Sword of the Lord, 1997年版,第230, 231页 )。 约拿单·爱德华(Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758...
請…繼續禁食禱告罷,直到神在福分中與你相遇"(Prayer: Asking and Receiving,Sword of the Lord, 1997年版,第230, 231頁 )。 約拿單.愛德華(Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758)在他準備宣講「罪人在忿怒之神的手中」(Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)之前,曾禁食禱告了三天…第一次大覺醒 便從那...
You cannot carry self into the deep realms of fasting and prayer. It must be laid aside like old baggage, freeing you to go to the cross for another soul's need, a great blessing because you are letting go of all that hinders from entering into God's heavenly places. You will mount ...
†Key Pages†Spiritual Warfare†Fasting†Free Books†Charity†About Us†Support Jesus Work This site is among a network of websites by Jesus Work Ministry with major keys for our extraordinary times. Keys on prayer & fasting, spiritual warfare, deliverance, prophecy, etc. Please see ...
Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1997.Piper, John. A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting. Wheaton: Crossway, 1997.i John Piper. A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1997), 44.
†DeliveranceMinistryBooks †More Jesus Work’s Sites Major Christian Prayer and Fasting Principles AllFasting.comhas resources on Christian disciplines that constitute our most important weapons of warfare: prayer and fasting. Occasional fasting empowers us to pray better, it produces a higher convi...
Jesus Work Ministry, website with major Christian keys for our times. Resources for victorious Christian living. Major keys on prayer & fasting, spiritual warfare, deliverance keys, prophecy, breaking strongholds, etc.
Such worships as fasting and the prayer are personal obligations that must be performed by every Muslim. For this reason, every Muslim can only pay this debt by performing the prayer himself and by fasting in the Ramadan himself. While he is alive, these
摘要: An international evangelist and the senior pastor of All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, Chavda has seen firsthand the power of God released through a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. Here he shares principles and practical tips about fasting and praying....
How to give in a way that pleases the Father. The Pharisees' practice of prayer and fasting had lost the spirit of worship. Jesus brings a corrective.