fastify-plugincan do three things for you: Add theskip-overridehidden property Check the bare-minimum version of Fastify Pass some custom metadata of the plugin to Fastify Example using a callback: constfp=require('fastify-plugin')module.exports=fp(function(fastify,opts,done){// your plugin co...
根据你提供的错误信息,@fastify/multipart插件期望的fastify版本是5.x。这意味着该插件不兼容你当前使用的4.28.1版本的fastify。 3. 建议用户升级fastify 由于@fastify/multipart插件要求使用5.x版本的fastify,因此建议你将fastify升级到5.x版本或更高版本。你可以通过npm或yarn来升级fastify: ...
Actions: fastify/fastify-pluginWorkflows Select workflow Select workflow All workflows CI All workflows CI All workflows Showing runs from all workflows 277 workflow runs 277 workflow runs Event Filter by event Status Filter by status Branch Filter by branch Actor Filter by actor build...
There are some issues with the typings tests. > fastify-plugin@5.0.1 test:typescript > tsd types/plugin.test-d.ts:99:16 ✖ 99:16 No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 6, (plugin: FastifyPluginCallback<FastifyPluginOptions, RawServe...
npm install fastify-knex-plugin or yarn add fastify-knex-plugin Usage constoptions={client:'mysql',connection:{host:'',port:3306,user:'your_database_user',password:'your_database_password',database:'myapp_test'}}fastify.register(require('fastify-knex-plugin'),options,(err)=>console...
a fastify plugin providing webpack middleware with hot reloading. Latest version: 0.1.2, last published: 4 years ago. Start using fastify-plugin-dev in your project by running `npm i fastify-plugin-dev`. There are no other projects in the npm registry us
I'm new to NestJS Fastify. I use NestJS with express as a default before. I'd like to try using fastify this time, but got a type error when registering FastifyHelmet to app Instance. *notes: I also new to ask question in this forum, so feel free to correct me. I'm ...
Gatsby plugin for easy integration with Fastify. Aboutgatsby-plugin-fastify gives you a way to integrate your Gatsby site with a Node.js server using Fastify. Use to serve a standard Gatsby.js site normally - the plugin will take care of everything:...
针对您提到的Node.js Fastify框架无法启动,并提示插件运行超时ERR_AVVIO_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT的问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 检查Node.js版本: 确保您的Node.js版本符合Fastify的要求。建议使用LTS版本,以保证稳定性和兼容性。 清理npm缓存: 运行npm cache clean --force命令清理npm缓存,以避免因缓存问题导致的安装或运...