fastify.register(require('fastify-swagger'), { routePrefix: '/documentation', exposeRoute: true, swagger: { info: { title: 'Test swagger', description: 'testing the fastify swagger api', version: '0.1.0' }, externalDocs: { url: '', description: 'Find more info here'...
⚠️Security Release⚠️ This release fixesGHSA-62jr-84gf-wmg4. What's Changed Allow serving static assets frombaseDirby@davidjbngin#108 build(deps-dev): Bump swagger-ui-dist from 5.10.3 to 5.10.5 by@dependabotin#111 build(deps-dev): Bump tsd from 0.29.0 to 0.30.0 by@depend...
A Fastify plugin for servingSwagger UI. Install npm i @fastify/swagger-ui Compatibility Plugin versionFastify versionSwagger Plugin Version ^5.x^5.x^9.x ^2.x^4.x^8.x ^1.x^4.x^8.x Please note that if a Fastify version is out of support, then so are the corresponding versions of ...
If { yaml: true } is passed to fastify.swagger() it will return a YAML string. Integration You can integrate this plugin with @fastify/helmet with some little work. @fastify/helmet options example: .register(helmet, instance => { return { contentSecurityPolicy: { directives: { ...helmet...
import fastify from 'fastify' const app = fastify() await app.register(import('@fastify/swagger')) await app.register(import('@fastify/swagger-ui'), { routePrefix: '/documentation', uiConfig: { docExpansion: 'full', deepLinking: false }, uiHooks: { onRequest: function (request, reply,...
If { yaml: true } is passed to fastify.swagger() it will return a YAML string.IntegrationYou can integrate this plugin with @fastify/helmet with some little work.@fastify/helmet options example:.register(helmet, instance => { return { contentSecurityPolicy: { directives: { ...helmet....
security:[ { "apiKey":[] } ] } },(req,reply)=>{}) fastify.ready(err=>{ if(err)throwerr fastify.swagger() }) API register options modes fastify-swaggersupports two registration modesdynamicandstatic: dynamic dynamicmode is the default one, if you use the plugin this way - swagger sp...
If you want to use@fastify/multipartwith@fastify/swaggerand@fastify/swagger-uiyou must add a new type calledisFileand use custom instance of validator compilerDocs. constfastify =require('fastify')({// ...ajv: {// Adds the file plugin to help @fastify/swagger schema generationplugins: [req...
fastify-formidable Handy plugin to provide multipart support and fastify-swagger integration. fastify-gcloud-trace Google Cloud Trace API Connector for Fastify. fastify-get-head Small plugin to set a new HEAD route handler for each GET route previously registered in Fastify. fastify-get-on...
securityDefinitions:{apiKey:{type:'apiKey',name:'apiKey',in:'header'}}})fastify.get('/test',{schema:{description:'test data',tags:['test'],}},async(request,reply)=>{return{hello:'world'}});fastify.ready(err=>{if(err)throwerrconsole.log("fastify swagger");fastify.swagger()})// ...