在路由选项中传入了 output schema,fastify 就会使用它。 constschema = {response: {200: {type:'object',properties: {value: {type:'string'},otherValue: {type:'boolean'} } } } } response schema 是基于状态码的,如果想应用相同的 schema 给多个同级状态码, 可以使用2xx。 constschema = {response:...
24 contentType?: string; 25 } 26 27 export interface FastifySchemaValidationError { 28 keyword: string; 29 instancePath: string; 30 schemaPath: string; 31 params: Record<string, unknown>; 32 message?: string; 33 } 34 35 export interface FastifyValidationResult { ...
我正在尝试使用Fastify构建REST API,但遇到以下TypeScript错误: Type '(request: FastifyRequest<{ Body: IGenerateQRCode;}>, reply: FastifyReply) => Promise<never>' is not assignable to type 'RouteHandlerMethod<Server, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse, RouteGenericInterface, unknown, FastifySchema, Fastif...
而框架作者独创的使用 JSON Schema 并手写stringify(fast-json-stringify) ,达到了2x faster than JSON.stringify(),也是令人敬佩不已,也是正如贺师俊老师评论的那样: 好了,言归正传,使用 schema 示例: fastify.route({method:'GET',url:'/',schema: {querystring: {name: {type:'number'} },response: {200:...
Type providers 是 Fastify 仅限 TypeScript 的功能,有了这个功能,Fastify 可以通过 JSONschema的信息来推断类型信息。它们是 routes 的泛型参数的替换选择,可以极大减少一个项目中与 schema 相关的类型。 import Fastify from 'fastify' import { TypeBoxTypeProvider, Type } from 'fastify-type-provider-typebox' ...
"type":"string" }, { "type":"number" } ] 关于JSON Schema 的完整定义,可以参考 Ajv 的文档,Ajv 是一个流行的 JSON Schema验证工具,性能表现也非常出众。来看一段使用 fast-json-stringify 的简单代码: require('http').createServer(handle).listen(3000) ...
schema: { querystring: { type: "object", properties: { page: { type: "number" }, pageNo: { type: "number" } }, required: ["page", "pageNo"], //必填项 }, response: { 200: { type: "object", //返回一个对象 properties: { //返回的数属性描述 ...
Actions: fastify/fastify-type-provider-json-schema-to-ts Actions All workflows CI CodeQL Dependabot Updates Management Caches All workflows Showing runs from all workflows 210 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor Scheduled CodeQL #140: by github-advanced-security bot main ...
fastify.post('/login', { schema: { description: '管理员登录', tags: ['admin'], body: { type: 'object', properties: { username: { type: 'string' }, password: { type: 'string' }, } } } }, login); 生命周期 这个整理的图不错,很清晰表达了整个过程,抄录下 Incoming Request (请求...
Fluent Schema Lifecycle Reply Request Errors Content Type Parser Plugins Testing Benchmarking How to write a good plugin Plugins Guide HTTP2 Long Term Support TypeScript and types support Serverless Recommendations Ecosystem Core- Core plugins maintained by theFastifyteam. ...