内存不足:如果Fastify CLI进程使用的内存超过了系统可用的内存限制,操作系统会强制终止进程以释放资源。 资源耗尽:Fastify CLI进程可能会占用大量的系统资源,例如CPU、磁盘空间或网络带宽。如果系统资源达到极限,操作系统可能会终止进程以保护系统的稳定性。 代码错误或异常:Fastify CLI进程可能在执行过程中遇到代码错误或异...
Run a fastify route with one command!. Latest version: 7.3.0, last published: 2 months ago. Start using fastify-cli in your project by running `npm i fastify-cli`. There are 48 other projects in the npm registry using fastify-cli.
fastify-clioffers a single command line interface for your Fastify project: $ fastify Which will print a help message: Fastify command line interface, available commands are: * start start a server * eject turns your application into a standalone executable with a server.(js|ts) file being ad...
我从fastify cli生成了fastify项目,然后我非常想使用记录器系统并将它写入文件中。 下面的代码是我尝试的方式,但是当我发送请求时,它还没有写入任何日志文件,系统也没有创建任何文件。 代码语言:javascript 复制 import { join } from 'path'; import AutoLoad, {AutoloadPluginOptions} from 'fastify-autoload'; im...
或者使用 cli 生成骨架: npm install --global fastify-cli fastify generate myproject JSON Schema 和 hooks 处理请求示例: import Fastify from "fastify"; const fastify = Fastify({ logger: true, }); fastify.route({ method: "GET", url: "/", ...
Run a Fastify application with one command! Contribute to fastify/fastify-cli development by creating an account on GitHub.
脚手架 npm install --global fastify-cli fastify generate fastify-try# 目录结构└── plugins# ...
.markdownlint-cli2.yaml chore: updated dependencies to latest versions (#5422) 10个月前 .npmignore fix: update .npmignore (#5537) 8个月前 .npmrc Add rc files for dx improvement (#2269) 5年前 .prettierignore Add rc files for dx improvement (#2269) ...
jsland_fastify_cli 1.0.6•Public• Published6 months ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm ijsland_fastify_cli Weekly Downloads 2
npm install --globalfastify-cli fastify generate myproject AI代码助手复制代码 初始化工程 npminit-y fastify AI代码助手复制代码 安装依赖 #npmnpm i fastify#yarnyarnaddfastify AI代码助手复制代码 hello-world 同步返回 // ESMimportFastifyfrom'fastify'//const fastify = Fastify({//logger: true//})//...