Regularly checking your gutter system is an easy way to prevent foundation and roof damage. Clogged gutters can result in water damage and leaking. Insulation Check for any drafts, inspecting and replacing weather stripping and tightening the hinges on your doors. You may need to add caulk to t...
GiGantoRoBusto 14y ago I can't believe what I'm seeing, a base 911 kicking the shit out of a turbo and lambo lp640 ?!?!?! no f*** way!!! Reply 285 DeDe 14y ago Autocar-results (manual gearbox, PCCB): Dry handling: 1.14,2 min Wet handling: 1.13,8 min 0-150mph: 26,...
The FT 1000 lists the companies in 31 European countries that have achieved the highest compound annual growth rate in revenue between 2013 and 2016. Technology remains the best represented sector, contributing 155 companies to the list, with a food delivery company topping the list for the second...