Fastest way to farm reputation with Azeroth Commerce Authority inWoW ClassicSoD Supply Officer in Stormwind location. Screenshot by Dot Esports First of all,don’t turn in Waylaid Supply boxes right away.Instead, inspect them and see what they are missing. Each W...
wow-classicWorld's Fastest Molten Core Clear by Dreamstate ByStan,February 10, 2020inNews Reply to this topic Seksi208 Seksi208 Scarab Lord Moderators 208 940 posts Report post PostedFebruary 10, 2020 Warriors, Shamans and one Mage. Sounds good?gz to these ballers from my server!
We have another World First Speed Clear, as Iluvatar managed to clear the Stockade dungeon in WoW Classic in 3 minutes and 24 seconds. Congrats! This is by far the fastest clear of the dungeon so far and here is a video to go with it. Someone also asked
As a new player in World of Warcraft, you’re entering an expansive and sometimes overwhelming world filled with complex mechanics, massive amounts of content, and long progression paths. One way to jump into the high-level experience without spending countless hours grinding is through a wow bo...