Ever since the first steam locomotives, there have been efforts to build the fastest train in the world. Currently, German ICEs, for example, can travel at up to 330 km/h. Read here which trains are actually the fastest in the world. Daily top speed of 430 km/h of the fastest train...
PuffingBillyisanearlyrailwaysteamlocomotive机车;火车头,constructedin1813-1814byengineerWilliamHedley,enginewrightJonathanForsterandblacksmithTimothyHackworthforChristopherBlackett,theownerofWylamCollierynearNewcastleuponTyne,intheUnitedKingdom.Itistheworld'soldestsurvivingsteamlocomotive.Page4 Enjoytheviedo Page5 ...