"It's the fastest gun in the world," says Knudson jokingly, although thus he actually understates the performance of the so called Sandia Z machine/which can accelerate the flyer plates to propulsion velocities in excess of 20km/s - i.e. about twice the Earth's escape velocity....
7. Shooting on diamonds with the fastest gun in the world: Carbon [O] . Fleck, Michel, Institut fur Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Fakultat fur Geowissenschaften, Geographie und Astronomie, University of Vienna 2009 机译:用世界上最快的枪射击钻石:碳 获取原文意见...
3-Gun Competition 101: An Introduction to America’s Fastest Growing Shooting SportIf you've ever wanted to know what the fuss is about 3-gun competitions, here's an article about this action shooting sport that explains everything.Chad Adams...
Every time a frame or a set of frames exceeds the 16.7ms deadline, you will see the vertical bars shooting past the green horizontal line, which may result in perceptible stutters. Usually, the higher the bar shoots above that green line, and the more bars find themselves crossing it...
Love Stargate's Speak of the Devil Northwind Quigley Roy Artemisia's Golden Knight Sir Rucker Reba Pohowsky Wonderdog’s Can Ewe See Me Now Kaiba Crow Long Misty Ridge Right Up Her Allie Terra-Blue Stardust Warrior Nov Creekwoods Top Gun Nov Scratchwork Peat Nov Baylee Nov Dixie No...
Shooting on diamonds with the fastest gun in the worlddoi:10.1016/S1369-7021(09)70065-3MichelFleckEBSCO_AspMaterials Today