首先,请确保您已经正确地使用了"Faster Weapons"(更快的武器)这个Mod(模组),并且确认它是否与您的Terraria版本兼容。如果您不确定如何使用该模组或者是否存在任何问题,建议您查看相关的教程或向有经验的玩家寻求帮助。其次,检查悠悠球是否有受到攻速的影响。您可以尝试在游戏中测试其他装备和道具对悠悠球的攻击速度有...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回terraria吧哪位大佬有FasterWeapons_v1.1.2(武器&工 只看楼主收藏回复 城管就是惊喜 致命机关 4 哪位大佬有FasterWeapons_v1.1.2(武器&工具攻速更快&自动挥舞,重生更快)mod🏀🏀大佬给个用用 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-09-07 22:38回复 ...
First and foremost, Faster Than Light concentrates on the atmosphere, and in particular, the joy of discovery: you're never likely to finish exploring all the intricacies of the game andunlocking the many hidden spaceships. Numerous spaceships are available, each with its own type of weapons (l...
Reroute all power to the engines in an attempt to escape, power up additional weapons to blow your enemy out of the sky, or take the fight to them with a boarding party? This "spaceship simulation roguelike-like" allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly ...