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FASTER, FASTER! NICE AND SLOW!(主题:反义词 产品编号:AFPF285)大开本的设计,用色鲜艳、线条简单的插画,生动幽默的内容,让孩子一眼就能明白——这就是Nick Sharratt的特色。这本书不但吸引孩子的目光,也让孩子轻轻松松学会对比的语词,不必解释,孩子一看就懂,非常适合初学英文的孩子阅读。 ...
BB29第34周-Faster Faster Nice And Slow 862023-04 3 BB28第33周-Red Light, Green Light 2692023-04 4 BB25第29周-Go Away Mr Wolf-Video 752023-02 5 BB25第29周-Go Away Mr Wolf 752023-02 6 BB24第28周-One to Ten and Back Again 1172023-04 7 BB21第25周-What Does Baby Say 572023-...
Faster faster nice and slow by:StoryTribeReading 2112 Smarter Faster Better by:天禄琳琅Michael 1.9万 The Future Is Faster Than You Think by:AK创客 83 huo fa by:春满大地_56 1293 论宪fa不服从(完) by:童年de小书斋 229 Settin Up Shop-Big Fa$e Mel Feat. Yay/Big Fa$e Mel/Big Fa$e ...
图书 > 进口原版 > Children's Books(儿童图书) > ELITEKIDS > Faster Faster Nice and Slow 反义词英文学习 英文原版绘本吴敏兰书单同场加印 英语启蒙图画书 Nick Sharratt名家绘本 平装 优学宝贝进口童书专营店 Faster Faster Nice and Slow 反...
Nick Sharratt. Here is the perfect way to learn about opposites. Whether it's a quiet cat and a noisy dog, a freezing cold or a hot and sunny day or a super fast leopard and a family of slowly-slow snails, Sue and Nick introduce all sorts of opposites in an engaging and memorable ...
00:00/00:00 睡前故事《Faster,Faster!Nice and Slow!》 迪诺嘟嘟龙2021.03.11 15:59 +1 首赞 2-8岁儿童早教启蒙课,从这一课开始!
今天,我们将一起探索充满乐趣和节奏感的绘本”Faster, Faster! Nice and Slow!”。在这本色彩鲜艳的绘本中,小朋友们将跟随主人公们一起经历刺激的快节奏冒险和宁静的慢速时光。从快速奔跑到缓慢行走,这本书巧妙地结合了速度与节奏,带给孩子们丰富的视觉和听觉享受。视频中,我们将带您细致解读每一页的美丽插图和...
本期月敏老师要跟大家一起分享的是绘本《Faster,Faster!Nice and Slow!》。绘本插图非常精美,色彩鲜艳、形象生动,通过菲菲和蒙蒙的两个角色,展现了快与慢的不同状态和情境。菲菲代表着快速、激情和活力,而蒙蒙则代表着慢下来、享受和...
Whether it's a quiet cat and a noisy dog, a freezing cold or a hot and sunny day or a super fast leopard and a family of slowly-slow snails, Sue and Nick introduce all sorts of opposites in an engaging and memorable way.Sharratt...