1:安卓系统手机一部,能进入fastboot 模式,能连接电脑。 2:电脑上要有ADB 工具 3:具体操作方法 第一步:点击电脑开始 > 运行 > 输入cmd >按回车键 第二部:输入 cd c:/adb 第三部:输入 fastboot erase userdata第四部:显示 erasing userdata...okey第五步:输入 fastboot reboot00分享举报更多回答(1个) 为...
perfectvillagefastbootreboot重启手机退出fastbootrebootbootloader重启到bootloader模式fastbootoemrebootruu重启到htcruu刷机模式擦除相关erasefastbooterasesystem擦除system分区fastbooteraseboot擦除boot分区fastbooterasecache擦除cache分区fastbooteraseuserdata擦除userdata分区依次类推需要擦除哪个分区就填写哪个分区的名字 fastboot...
adb reboot bootloader fastbooterasefsg fastbooterasefsc fastbooterasemodemst1 fastbooterasemodemst2 fastboot flash fsg fsg.img fastboot reboot 刷开机LOGO图片 //网上流传的命令 sudo fastboot flash splash1 splash.bin //高通M8909平台生效命令 sudo fastboot flash splash splash.bin 刷机时的几个关键命令 adb ...
fastboot reboot fastboot 检测是否进入成功(Userspace是Dynamic Partition的别称)(返回yes代表进入成功): fastboot getvar is-userspace 进入后,先抹掉System分区: fastboot erase system 删除Product分区的存在(不删会影响GSI启动。对于刷入官方包的人,这步应该跳过,否则会造成麻烦): fastboot delete-logical-partition ...
system.img_sparsechunk.3 fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.4 fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin fastboot erase modemst1 fastboot erase modemst2 fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn fastboot erase cache fastboot erase userdata fastboot erase customize fastboot erase clogo fastboot oem fb_mode_clear ...
Fastboot is basically a command line utility which is used for flashing and booting Android devices. Here, “-w” option is used to erase both cache as well as user data. The utility option can format the partition type too. Since, the commands for erasing user data and cache (i.e.fas...
$ sudo fastboot erase boot $ sudo fastboot erase system $ sudo fastboot erase data $ sudo fastboot erase cache The above will wipe each individual partition, which can be combined into the single command: $ sudo fastboot erase system -w ...
data line and so on The echo statement: The main purpose of the echo version is to use the oil learning research, which carries risks and does not bear any consequences Echo confirms to continue, not to confirm the fork in the upper right corner pause Fastboot erase system Fastboot erase ...
fastboot erase ddr fastboot reboot I know that those commands are for installing a rom, but i was in a hurry and got away with it. However i found that these commands are the needed to avoid losing all my data. fastboot flash partition gpt.bin fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img ...
fastbooterase{partition}例:fastbooteraseboot或fastbooterasesystem等。 fastbooteraseboot fastbooterasesystem fastbooterasedata ...