< waiting for any device > Warning: skip copying unlock image avb footer (unlock partition size: 0, unlock image size: 5386). Sending 'unlock' (5 KB) OKAY [ 0.008s] Writing 'unlock' FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed in Lock State') fastboot: e...
< waiting for any device > fastboot: error: Failed to boot into userspace fastboot; one or more components might be unbootable. And when trying to flash abl: Sending 'abl' (1996 KB) OKAY [ 0.055s] Writing 'abl' FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed for Critical Partitions. ') fas...
I installed custom firmware, turned off 'OEM unlocking' in Android Settings and did flashing lock, now the system can't boot (but can in bootloader) and can't do flashing unlock. What can be done in this situation?😅 frenggy
2.使用ADB工具输入解锁命令然后回车 fastboot flashing unlock 输入命令然后回车 3.手机会弹出以下界面,使用音量键选择Unlock the BootLoader,按电源键确认 选择最下面那个 4.手机会清除数据恢复出厂设置,重启到语言选择界面。BL锁解锁成功 这里列举了三个常用厂商的BL解锁教程,不同的厂商的解锁方法也许不一样,其他厂商...
手机进入fastboot模式连接电脑,输入fastboot回锁指令:fastboot flashing lock 回车,手机进入回锁状态。音量键选择lock the bootloader,等待手机清除数据开机就行。#手机维修 #fastboot #手机解bl锁 @机你太美科技· 2024年7月28日机你太美科技 02:52 84 小米MixFold开机FASTBOOT二修没好,写了个最新系 #小米mixfold...
Sending 'boot_a' (131072 KB) OKAY [ 4.356s] Writing 'boot_a' FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed in Lock State') fastboot: error: Command failed Do someone know how i can have that permission ? viktak Senior Member Jun 15, 2012 122 28 diy.viktak.com Dec 7...
Anyone who can help with fixing a corrupt Pixel? I was flashing via Android Flash Tool and my cable got disconnected while doing the flashing. Now it’s stuck with a message “Your device is corrupt. It can’t be trusted and may not work properly.” ...
Sending 'boot' (26161 KB) OKAY 【 0.646s】Writing 'boot' FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed in Lock State') ZZJIBGDVI 12-29 2 各位大神救急呀!! Sec_wangM 这个情况要怎么解决呀!??? 超级地狱... 8-8 6 fastboot退不出来 如故从南 不小心误触进入fastboot模式 长按关机键...
如果仍然不行,可尝试旧版线刷工具,点击浏览按钮下拉菜单高级设置,手动指定flash_all_lock.bat文件路径 如果仍然有问题,请查看此页面补充介绍。 Antirollback check error 该错误是因为没有通过小米防回滚检查,解决方法是注释相关代码,解决方法请参考这篇文章。
30. error : Writing ‘crclist’ FATL.ED (remote: ‘No support by lock control’)怎么解决阿 是否已经解BL? 31.error: Erasing ‘boot’ 怎么办呀地球上的兄弟们 可以试下重启fastboot。 32. error:Writing super是什么意思? 可以先尝试重新启动fastboot和连接电脑。