针对您遇到的 failed (remote: 'unknown command') fastboot: error: command failed 错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,我将按照您提供的提示进行分点回答: 1. 确认fastboot命令是否正确输入 确保您在命令行中输入的 fastboot 命令是正确无误的。例如,如果您想列出连接的设备,应该使用 fastboot devices 命令。错误的命...
例如执行fastboot oem set_fb_mode时,fastboot会返回如下错误: (bootloader) ‘fb_mode_s’ is not a supported oem command(bootloader) See ‘fastboot oem help’FAILED (remote: ‘’) 本应该是fb_mode_set却少了“et”。 或者这样: (bootloader) slot-cou: not found(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found...
FAILED (remote: unknown command) finished. total time: 0.482s I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong. I made sure twrp.img is referring to the correct file, and I tried both the Android SDK platform tools and the 15 seconds ADB installer, but none of them worked. When I try...
When running the command: fastboot oem get_unlock_data I encounter the following error: FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') fastboot: error: Command failed Additional Information: My computer runs Windows. I’ve tried multiple USB cables and ports. I successfully u...
Entering Fastboot Mode and entering commands causesUnknown Command errors. Is there a workaround? The model is TB128XU. HiWEARETHEONE, Thanks for posting at the Lenovo Community! I'm sorry to read about the issue you're experiencing with the tablet's Fastboot mode. Usually,...
booting FAILED (remote: unknown command) Finished. Total time: 0.659s PS G:\1+6\工具包a> ./fastboot boot G:\1+6\twrp-3.3.1-2-enchilada.img Downloading 'boot.img' OKAY [ 0.626s] booting FAILED (remote: unknown command) Finished. Total time: 0.979s ...
常见问题 3:command write error(Invalid argument)出现现象:Fastboot 命令提示:command write failed(...
FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') fastboot: error: Command failed Press any key to exit... 原文由 Zach89 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 androidadbrootbootloaderfastboot 有用关注收藏 回复 阅读1.4k 1 个回答 得票最新 社区维基1 发布于 2022-12-27 使用旧平台工具对我不起作用。我不得...
{"level":"info","message":"Booting into recovery image...","timestamp":"2018-10-05T21:04:06.017Z"} {"level":"error","message":"Devices: Error: Fastboot: Unknown error: downloading 'boot.img'...\nOKAY [ 0.762s]\nbooting...\nFAILED (remote: unknown command)\nfinished. total time...
FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')fastboot: error: Command failed I notice that there is resistance from motorola to allowing me to unlock the bootloader. This worsens the user experience, which should be free to choose what to do with the smartphone purchased at a fair price. Despite that,...