"echo"Please install Google Platform tools to get fastboot."echo"Debian/Ubuntu: apt install android-tools-fastboot"echo"macOS: brew install android-platform-tools"echo"Windows: scoop install adb"echo"Arch: AUR android-sdk-platform-tools (yay -S android-sdk-platform-tools)"echo"Conversion canceled...
ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and Fastboot (a protocol between phone and computer is a nifty command-line tool used to interact with your Android device from a computer. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can download and setup ADB on Windows 10 computer, using ADB and Fastboot, Install...
User-specific:Edit your user’s profile file (e.g.,.bashrcor .zshrc) to add the following line: export PATH=$PATH:~/adb-fastboot/platform-tools Open a terminal and run the below command to check if the installation is success:
1 在刷机过程中,有时候会遇到fastboot或者adb不是内部或者外部命令的时候,如上图,或者提示“计算机丢失AdbWinApi.dll",见下图当然这也怪我在之前的教程里,没有给大家写清楚,看到如此多的人问,只好写个教程,一劳永逸的解决问题。首先要下载adb和fastboot命令需要的文件,这些文件都是我从android sdk里提取的,...
Android手机ADBFastBoot命令基本用法 Android⼿机ADBFastBoot命令基本⽤法 adb⽤法:准备:1、在电脑上安装相应的USB驱动,在各分区置顶帖⼦有下载链接 2、⼿机进⼊设置->开发⼈员选项->勾选USB调试 adb devices 查看是否有设备 adb shell ——登录到⼿机,可以执⾏各种linux命令。运⾏后会出现上...
Moto E Drivers Download [ADB and Fastboot] Author Shivam Published on August 19, 2014 Motorola have always been user and developer friendly. You are probably here because you are facing some driver problem with your Moto E or you want to access Fastboot or ADB to play around with your phone...
进入https://adbshell.com/downloads选择ADB Kit工具包下载,下载完成将其解压缩后,可以得到以下3个核心文件: 2.ADB驱动安装 一般直接插数据线自动安装。 3.ADB安装 方法一: 我的电脑-》右键属性-》高级系统设置-》环境变量path-》添加adb工具路径。
E.G Download mode on Samsung Galaxy devices. adb reboot bootloader Reboots a device into Bootloader. Once in Bootloader, you can make further selections here. adb reboot fastboot Reboots a connected device into Fastboot mode. Installing / Uninstalling / Updating Apps with ADB. adb install <...
land_global_images_8.2.8_20180208.0000.00_6.0_global_7c7eadb22a.tgz | Download 8.2.1 6.0 Xiaomi Redmi 3s Global history Fastboot ROM MIUI 8.2.1, Weekly android 6.0 firmware of land. DEVICE NAMECODENAMETYPEMIUI VERSIONANDROID OSSizeDate Redmi 3s land Fastboot 8.2.1 6 1.7 GB 2018-02-01 Do...