Step 1: You need to have an unlocked bootloader in order to install this recovery (tutorial). You also need access to ADB & Fastboot on your PC (install this on the PC). Step 2: Download “” from the aforementioned link to your PC and extract the IMG file. ...
ADB下载地址1:下载地址2: 进入选择ADB Kit工具包下载,下载完成将其解压缩后,可以得到以下3个核心文件: 2.ADB驱动安装 一般直接插数据线自动安装。 3.ADB安装 方法一: 我的电脑...
Android手机ADBFastBoot命令基本用法 Android⼿机ADBFastBoot命令基本⽤法 adb⽤法:准备:1、在电脑上安装相应的USB驱动,在各分区置顶帖⼦有下载链接 2、⼿机进⼊设置->开发⼈员选项->勾选USB调试 adb devices 查看是否有设备 adb shell ——登录到⼿机,可以执⾏各种linux命令。运⾏后会出现上...
Xiaomi Remove FRP: Remove the FRP lock on Xiaomi devices while in ADB sideload mode. Xiaomi Mi Account Bypass: Bypass the Mi account verification process on Xiaomi devices in ADB sideload mode. Xiaomi Team Bootloader Unlock: Unlock the bootloader of Xiaomi devices using the dedicated Xiaomi Team...
尊敬的用户您好:酷派手机刷机卡在fastboot download mode解决方法:1 手机必须开机和已经ROOT,或者能进入Recovery连接ADB;2 下载按机型打开bat;3 刷入后会自动重启到Recovery;4 如果卡刷4.4.2的包就直接连接电脑把包拷到手机就可以刷;5 如果想刷KDZ就从Recovery里关闭手机,按音量键上,连接数据线...
Minimal ADB and Fastboot 1.3 Minimal ADB and Fastboot 1.2 Minimal ADB and Fastboot 1.1 Edit program info Info updated on:Feb 15, 2025 Software Informer Download popular programs, drivers and latest updates easily Comments(2) 4.1 273 votes ...
To boot into download mode for Samsung devices type in cmd window : adb reboot download To boot into bootloader mode for most Android devices type in cmd window : adb reboot-bootloader To boot into recovery mode for all Android devices type in cmd window : ...
"echo"Please install Google Platform tools to get fastboot."echo"Debian/Ubuntu: apt install android-tools-fastboot"echo"macOS: brew install android-platform-tools"echo"Windows: scoop install adb"echo"Arch: AUR android-sdk-platform-tools (yay -S android-sdk-platform-tools)"echo"Conversion canceled...
ADB and Fastboot Tools v1.4.3 What is this? This is All-in-One installer for 3 most needed PC tools for Android. No need to download big SDK for 3 small things. I originaly made it for my Kurdish friend AnGrY DuDe in early 2013. I saw another ADB installer on XDA, but it wasn... 从此地址下载的工具包将永远是最新版本。 回到顶部 Android Studio Studio ...