I believe have the exact same problem as@siamhassan66. I too come from Flask. Here's what I think he meant: he wants to render the template into HTMLin the backend, and get a result that is a stringwith the HTML inside. The documentation is strongly opinionated in this regard. Itassu...
在FastAPI中加载index.html文件,你需要将HTML文件放在项目的合适位置,并使用FastAPI的FileResponse或HTMLResponse来返回HTML内容 方法1:使用FileResponse 在项目的根目录下创建一个名为templates的文件夹(如果还没有的话)。 将index.html文件放入templates文件夹中。
You could create aCustomORJSONResponse. The main thing you have to do is create aResponse.render(content)method that returns the content asbytes: Python 3.8+ fromtypingimportAnyimportorjsonfromfastapiimportFastAPI,Responseapp=FastAPI()classCustomORJSONResponse(Response):media_type="application/json"def...
# Endpoint to render the HTML template with the video player @app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) async def video_template(request: Request): return templates.TemplateResponse("display_video.html", {"request": request}) # Endpoint to stream the video @app.get("/video/{video_id}")...
returnrender_template("index.html") 默认情况下,Flask会在 "templates "文件夹中寻找模板。 FastAPI 你需要安装 Jinja: pipinstall jinja2 实现: fromfastapiimportRequest fromfastapi.templatingimportJinja2Templates fromfastapi.responsesimportHTMLResponse
# render返回的是HttpResponse对象 return render(request, 'index.html')二、额外项目配置 【 注意】 ...
async def root(request: Request): # 获取用户IP地址 user_ip = "" # 使用百度地图API获取用户所在城市..., "r") as f: template = Template(f.read()) html = template.render(city=city,x=x,y=y) # 返回...集成百度地图api调用,完整代码请回复关键字【fastapi】获取 57640 FastAPI...
upload.render({ elem:'#up_function'//绑定元素 ,url:'/upfile1/'//上传接口 ,accept:'file'//限制上传文件类型 ,field:'upload_list'//传给FastApi后端的参数名 ,auto:false//关闭自动上传 ,done:function(res){ //上传完毕回调 if(res.code==0){ ...
('templates/students.html', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: html = file.read() template = Template(html) # Creating a template with a table # Loading a template return Response(template.render(students=students), media_type='text/html') # Page with forms for adding a new entry @...
return render_template("index.html") FastAPI 你需要安装Jinja: pip install jinja2 实现: from fastapi import Request from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse app = FastAPI() templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") ...