在这里总结一些后端处理Cookie的工具类方法,供参考 调用就可以这样 // 设置cookie CookieUtils.setCookie(...
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { loginWithGoogle, loginCallback, verifyIdToken } from "./auth"; function App() { const [userId, setUserId] = useState(null); const [userProfile, setUserProfile] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const query = new URLSearchPar...
This repository contains a Python API project using the FastAPI framework. The API provides endpoints for performing Auth Blog CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. mongodbjwt-authenticationfastapifastapi-sqlalchemyfastapi-boilerplatefastapi-crudfastapi-frameworkfastapi-adminfastapi-dockerfastapi-ex...
FastAPI + React · A cookiecutter template for bootstrapping a FastAPI and React project using a modern stack. Features FastAPI(Python 3.8) JWT authentication usingOAuth2 "password flow"and PyJWT React(with Typescript) react-router v5to handle routing ...
Template: FastAPI - ReactJS - MongoDB with JWT Authentication Template for starting a project with FARM stack. Dockerized, ready for deployment Development Go to the directory where the frontend folder is located and run npm install Go back to the root of the project and start the container...
Implement complete JWT authentication with FastAPI Explore the various Python drivers for MongoDB Discover the problems that React libraries solve Build simple and medium web applications with the FARM stack Dive into server-side rendering with Next.js Deploy your app with Heroku, Vercel, Ubun...
sponsor FastAPI External Links and Articles en - English az - azərbaycan dili bn - বাংলা de - Deutsch es - español fa - فارسی fr - français he - עברית hu - magyar id - Bahasa Indonesia ...
✨ Update code for login API. PR#571by@tiangolo. ✨ Add client in frontend and client generation. PR#569by@alejsdev. 🐳 Set up Docker config for new-frontend. PR#564by@alejsdev. ✨ Set up new frontend with Vite, TypeScript and React. PR#563 ...
REST APIs enable two-way communicaton between a client, usually a web browser or similar device and an API server. The bulk of this data is carried over in the request and response body. A request body consists of the data that's sent from the client to our API, if there is such da...
✨ Update code for login API. PR #571 by @tiangolo. ✨ Add client in frontend and client generation. PR #569 by @alejsdev. 🐳 Set up Docker config for new-frontend. PR #564 by @alejsdev. ✨ Set up new frontend with Vite, TypeScript and React. PR #563 by @alejsdev. ...