- [FastAPI Admin](https://github.com/fastapi-admin/fastapi-admin) - Functional admin panel that provides a user interface for performing CRUD operations on your data. Currently only works with the Tortoise ORM. - [Piccolo Admin](https://github.com/piccolo-orm/piccolo_admin) - A powerful and...
emphasizing reusability, pluggability, and rapid development. Django provides a range of built-in features, such as an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for database interactions, an admin panel for managing content, and a templating engine...
On the other side of the spectrum, there is Django, highly favored for full-blown web applications, offering a rich set of features like an ORM, an admin panel, and built-in security, which streamline the development of complex, database-driven web applications. In this article, I will tr...
Content Management Systems (CMS):Django’s admin panel makes it an excellent choice for building content-heavy websites or applications where administrators need an intuitive interface to manage content. E-commerce Platforms:Django’s robustness, security features, and scalability make it a popular cho...
@admin_panel_router.get("/admin/order/update/{pk}",tags=['admin_actions'])asyncdefupdate_view(request:Request,resource:str=Path(...),pk:str=Path(...),model_resource:ModelResource=Depends(get_model_resource),resources=Depends(get_resources),model:Type[Model]=Depends(get_model), ...
今天来介绍一款非常适用于Fastapi的连接redis的客户端攻击,因为fastapi的优秀异步能力,不得不给他也配一个支持异步的连接redis工具,那么,aioredis 他来了。 本文章主要介绍aioredis的快速简单用法。意于抛砖引玉,不会对于具体api进行详细的说明,需要一定的使用redis-py的经验。
今天来介绍一款非常适用于Fastapi的连接redis的客户端攻击,因为fastapi的优秀异步能力,不得不给他也配一个支持异步的连接redis工具,那么,aioredis 他来了。 本文章主要介绍aioredis的快速简单用法。意于抛砖引玉,不会对于具体api进行详细的说明,需要一定的使用redis-py的经验。
This is a simple example of how to use Python FastAPI to create a simple authentication system based on phone number with SMS verification. We used SQLite as a database. (Login, Register, Auth, Panel, Whoiam, Hi) pythonapipyfastapifastapi-samplefastapi-crudfastapi-usersfastapi-apifastapi-auth...
ETL и Admin Panel распологаетсявпапке part1 Второе Fast API втекущейпапке Запускпроекта Создатьсетьдля docker docker network create --driver bridge app_movies_net Клонироватьиразверут...
Variable not set} # Enable HTTP Basic auth, using the middleware created above - traefik.http.routers.traefik-dashboard-https.middlewares=admin-auth volumes: # Add Docker as a mounted volume, so that Traefik can read the labels of other services - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker...