Define a loader object: camvid = DataBlock(blocks = c(ImageBlock(), MaskBlock(codes)), get_items = get_image_files, splitter = FileSplitter('camvid/valid.txt'), get_y = function(x) {paste('camvid/labels/',x$stem,'_P',x$suffix,sep = '')}, batch_tfms = list(Normalize_from_st...
load_learner will fail for exported (pickled) models with error "AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'ImageItemList' on module ''". You will need to re-export with version 1.0.46 or use 1.0.44 New: Learner.destroy: completely free up learn, leaving an empty shell added...
DataBunch.show_batch and Learner.show_results handle rows=1 (thanks to xnutsive) LanguageModelPreLoader is way faster (thanks to kasparlund) 1.0.41 (2019-01-22) Breaking change: sep (in ImageDataBunch factory methods) is now called label_delim New: Changed: Clearer representation of Flatten...
However, there is always the loss of valuable information around the image. Data augmentation, data regularization, and simpler model designs might be utilized to prevent overfitting the model. The approaches for picture augmentation were immediately included in the image loader function. Additionally, ...