from fastTSNE import TSNE from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() x, y = iris["data"], iris["target"] tsne = TSNE( n_components=2, perplexity=30, learning_rate=200, n_jobs=4, angle=0.5, initialization="pca", metric="euclidean", early_exaggeration_iter=250, early_...
【tSNE的高速并行实现(Python)】“fastTSNE - Fast, parallel implementations of tSNE” by Pavlin Poličar GitHub:
使用FFT加速插值和近似最近邻居在11分23秒内计算来自小鼠神经系统[Zeisel 2018]的160,796个单细胞转录组的可视化。
nptsne is a numpy compatible python binary package that offers a number of APIs for fast tSNE calculation and HSNE modelling. For more detail see the documentation for the current release - 1.1.0 Currently python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 are supported on Windows, Mac and Linux using cibuildwheel ...