In the present research we have used gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) and Gabor filters to extract texture features in order to classify satellite images. The main drawback of GLCM algorithm is its time-consuming nature. In this work, we proposed a fast GLCM algorithm to overcome the...
Usage Clone or download Use scripts as follows. importfast_glcmfromskimageimportdataif__name__=='__main__'
In this paper, a new method is presented to calculate GLCM. It is based on Programmable Graphics Hardware. The results show that the time cost of computation is greatly reduced.Zhipeng XuHongyan Liu武汉理工大学并行处理在商业,工业和科学领域中应用的国际会议...
福建电脑 2011年第9期基于GLCM和FastICA的鞋底识别林立峰.林世平 (福州大学数学与计算机科学学院福建福州350002) 【摘要】:针对传统鞋底识别中的几何参数法和纹理分析法的局限,引入快速独立分量分析(FastlCA) 方法,将其应用于鞋底识别领域,并结合鞋底图像的几何特征及基于灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)的纹理特征,提出了综合使用多...
But because the essence of GLCM is a problem of second-order statistical computation, so the calculation of GLCM is very expensive. In this paper, a new method is presented to calculate GLCM. It is based on Programmable Graphics Hardware. The results show that the time cost of computation ...