ahora puede personalizar tu Explorer fácilmente y totalmente gratis, compatible con IE6 y también en nuevo y renovado IE7 de Microsoft. Página Oficial en inglés. Página Oficial en castellano. Es un completo y avanzado explorador de Internet con una entorno personalizable 100%. Interface de ...
First, it is possible to prove that any stationary point for L (x) satisfies the optimality conditions for L (θ ) as well. In fact, the application of the 'chain rule' leads to recover the set of relationships ∂L (θ�) ∂ θi = ∂ xi ∂ θi ∂L (x�) ∂ xi...
For NMNAT2-mCherry and EGFP-tagged APP, SNAP25, or SYPH, fluorescent con- focal images were taken by a Leica TCS SPE confocal microscope using a 63x (1.4 N.A.) oil objective lens with 0.17 µm xy pixel size and a system-optimized z-step size. The colocalization was further ...
Cellular processes are known to be modular and are realized by groups of proteins implicated in common biological functions. Such groups of proteins are calledfunctional modules, and many community detection methods have been devised for their discovery from protein interaction networks (PINs) data. In...
Castellano, G.; Castiello, C.; Mencar, C.; Vessio, G. Crowd detection in aerial images using spatial graphs and fully-convolutional neural networks. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 64534–64544. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ali, A.; Hassan, A.; Ali, A.R.; Khan, H.U.; Kazmi, W.; Zaheer...