Fast-tracking requires extra care in planning because of the increased risk level. If you’re not careful, the project becomes too risky to attempt fast-tracking. Any benefits you might achieve would be overshadowed by issues and problems that can sidetrack the project or worse....
project managers can determine whether fast-tracking is the right approach to achieve their goals and ensure that the project remains on track and within budget.
Once there are no longer any dominoes to fall in a project — that is to say, there are no longer any task dependencies — you can fast-track it. Think of fast-tracking project management as a short-distance sprint to the finish. While a relay race helps you be thorough and ensure ...
That said, rearranging activities in your project to fast-track them can increase risk. Because you’re now executing all activities at once, project managers might have to rework the project. If not planned thoroughly, project fast-tracking could increase the chances of risks which could push t...
The above is the best way to fast track your project in Microsoft Project. You could also schedule tasks concurrently, but this will not take into account important dependencies and links, and will produce a very messy picture of what is going on with your project – unless your project is...
With this in mind, a two year fast-track project management development programme was established to allow young engineers, having completed Saipem Limited's graduate training scheme and gained some project experience, to develop their management skills and experience in a controlled way. This pap...
Keep track of problems. When it comes to project management, more than one approach is required in order to achieve success. The way in which activities are managed when environmental conditions are good is not the same way they are managed when time is running out, resources become thinner ...
Because fast tracking is such an advanced project management technique, it behooves you to analyze cautiously if the advantages are greater than the disadvantages during your decision-making process. This lesson discussed three strong reasons to fast track your project along with three major ...
Fast Track Manage has been producing IT and project management educational materials since 2006, and now we're excited to announce the upcoming release of our newest series of Fast Track Management online courses.
Have you ever had modification delays during projects due to bad measurements? Have you ever had difficulty locating current documentation for a project? How much does exceeding project schedules and reworking cost you? Fast Track Projects has the solution!