HONG KONG - Your Fast Track to CHINAChee, Tung
2024年全球Fast Track计划:加速金融科技初创企业的崛起 由香港投资推广署与Finoverse Ventures携手合办的第七届全球Fast Track计划(GFT)正式宣布启动,计划助力各地金融科技初创企业拓展业务规模,依托香港作为全球商业中心的优势,助企业“引进来”“走出去”。GFT无需报名费用,并将在10月下旬举行的香港金融科技周期间举行...
36氪出海小助手:Hong Kong特别行政区投资推广署举办的Hong Kong金融科技周至今已经5年,已成为全球范围内最重要和最有影响力的金融科技盛会之一。为了更好地促进大陆优质金融科技企业进入Hong Kong市场、同时为其走向世界提供更多的机会和资源,今年Hong Kong金融科技周携手36Kr Global 打造全球 FastTrack —大陆区加速计...
via the Hong Kong section of the high-speed rail. That strengthens the people-to-people bonds, and business ties, between Hong Kong and a great many cities across the Chinese mainland," Lee said.
香港投资推广署于六月七日宣布推出全球 Fast Track 计划2022,协助金融科技公司利用香港独特优势在亚洲拓展业务,为长远发展建立巩固基础。今年已是第三年举办全球 Fast Track 计划,现正接受报名,诚邀国际及本地的金融科技公司参加,与企业客户和投资者建立联系,把握在亚洲和其他地区蓬勃的发展机会。
Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) announced that the 7th edition of the Global Fast Track (GFT), 2024 is now open for applications until September 20. The programme is open to fintech companies globally and locally, offering opportunities to pitch their cases on international stages and benefit from...
Why Hong Kong? For many years, Hong Kong has been a place where financial professionals, from all over the world, can fast track their careers. Some come for a short stint before returning home, while others end up spending most of their career in the city. The end result is the same...
Fast Track Document Imaging Centre Ltd Hong Kong Service Company Company Information Nature of Business: Service Company Major Markets: Hong Kong Main Categories: Environmental Protection, Information Technology, Storage Service Number of Staff (HK): 26 - 50 Year of Establishment: 2007 Contact Contact...
track clearance through arrivals or departures, to helping with transfers and baggage, we ensure a swift and hassle-free passage through the Hongkong airport. Our Services includes Meet and Greet at the Airport, Airport Transfer, Check-in assistance, Fast Track, Airport Lounge Access, Immigration ...
投资推广署今日(六月十七日)宣布,2021全球 Fast Track 计划现正接受报名,诚邀各具规模的金融科技初创企业及公司参加,利用香港作为亚洲领先金融科技中心的优势,在粤港澳大湾区、亚洲以及其他市场拓展业务。此计划由投资推广署主办,特为促进香港金融科技商业应用而设。成功突围的公司将获邀在今年十一月一至...