EFF Do Not Track Verifier, EMail Exractor, EmailWolf, Embedly, Entfer, evc-batch, Everyfeed, ExaBot, ExactSeek Crawler, Exchange check, Expanse, eZ Publish Link Validator, Ezgif, Ezooms, Facebook External Hit, Faveeo, Feed Wrangler, Feedbin, FeedBurner, Feedly, Feedspot, Femtosearch, Feve...
Surface heights resultant from the DDA-ice have the resolution of the geolocated photon-data (0.7 m along-track postings under clear atmospheric conditions), interpolated by a ground follower that automatically adapts to surface roughness. We will show that the DDA-ice works for data from ...
If handled carefully, utilization data is very useful to track progress towards emissions and energy goals as well as to determine if a certain pricing structure is successful and to evalu- ate the need for additional charging infrastructure in the area. A successful maintenance strategy for the ...