网络快速仲裁 网络释义 1. 快速仲裁 ...AC)规则所采用,其他一些国际性仲裁机构又将其称为快速仲裁(fast-track arbitration)、即时仲裁(instant arbitration)、…|基于3个网页
There were issues on both sides where new facts, or a newspin on existing facts, emerged during the course of the hearing, but that is not unusual in an arbitration of farlonger duration. It may have been useful for both sides ...
开具论文收录证明 >> 摘要 Statutory adjudication is the first choice for resolution of domestic construction disputes for good reason; it is a proven, tested and speedy process. Whilst fast-track arbitration is less familiar, it is certainly worthy of consideration where adjudication is not available...
2 pages Media Description: 1 PDF from "The American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA)" Published: June, 1991 Practice Areas: International Institutions and Rules, ICC, Practice & Procedure, Expedited Proceedings Subscribe todownload
The Fast Track Documents Only (FTDO) procedure replaced the Fixed Cost Arbitration Procedure (FCAP) from 1 June 2024. Full details of the FTDO and the Capped (Maximum Recoverable) Fees and Costs can be found in the Forms and Documents section under Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Clauses 2024...
you may have the possibility to invoke binding arbitration through the Privacy Shield Panel. However, prior to initiating such arbitration, a resident of a country participating in the Privacy Shield Framework must first: (1) contact us and afford us the opportunity to resolve the issue; (2) ...
Most notable are the reveal of the Thailand Arbitration Centre (“THAC”) as the proposed entity to administer the rapid adjudication process, the predicted timeframe and required steps for adjudicative resolution of payment disputes and the expected scope of application to construction...
not so— 不然 不足 enough— 足够副 · 足以形 · 充足 · 充足形 · 敷 · 彀 · 够呛 enough名— 很多名 · 充足名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...]difficult to handle the situation, as the Customs and Excise Departmentisnot fast enoughtoarrive at the scene to...
In brief, the new process includes: 5.short pre-hearing timeframes to fast track the court process; 6.on-site conciliation, moving immediately to arbitration if the matter is not resolved; and 7.a target of three months from commencement to hearing.Anthony Whealy...
2 prospect Colt Keith moving up from Double-A Erie -- maybe to Triple-A Toledo, and maybe even to Detroit. But Harris indicated that they’re not inclined to fast-track the highly regarded slugger, at least not to the Major Leagues. “Colt has been really, really fun to watch all ...