VictoriaMetrics recursively expands %{ENV_VAR} references in environment variables on startup. For example, FOO=%{BAR} environment variable is expanded to FOO=abc if BAR=a%{BAZ} and BAZ=bc.Additionally, all the VictoriaMetrics components allow setting flag values via environment variables according...
By submitting your information you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and are aged 16 or over. Power options in the Windows 10 Start button In a post on the PC Master Race subreddit, a user pointed out that fast startup was re-enabled in a Windows 10 update following...
For example, the following command builds the image on top of scratch image:ROOT_IMAGE=scratch make package-victoria-metricsStart with docker-composeDocker-compose helps to spin up VictoriaMetrics, vmagent and Grafana with one command. More details may be found here....
I am trying to optimize edge and when I look for Enable TCP fast, I cant find it. When I type about:flags it brings up edge flags and in flags I cant find that. I am looking for this page as show ... sebraufHi! From a discussion on Reddit, this is not supported o...
Bold red lipstick gets its color from crushed bugs. This biotech startup made a version that’s insect-free 3 ways companies should develop leaders—but probably aren’t This university needs thousands of housing units. A factory is building them ...
To turn off Fast Startup, uncheck the ‘Turn on fast startup’ box. Uncheck the box Click ‘Save changes’ and close the window. Using a .BAT File: If you prefer a much easier way of turning off fast startup, follow these instructions: ...
there are 2 computers both running the same version of the new Microsoft Edge. about 3 days ago added 4 bookmakrs on one of the computers and when i signed into the new Edge for the first time on the other computer, those bookmakrs didn't show up, everything just before those book...
Node + SWC make a lightning fast typescript runtime By Artem Avetisyan on January 02, 2023 • 6 min read This post covers speeding up the startup part of runtime. The other part - how fast the code is actually running - remains constant (and fast), since it’s javascript being run...
Low startup cost? Check. Ability to earn job-replacing income? Double check. Getting started with affiliate marketing is also fairly easy. Sign up for some affiliate programs. Create ongoing content on a blog or social media platform. Add your affiliate links in your content. Build an audience...
2. Turn off Fast Startup to Fix Windows 11 Slow Windows 11 operating system comes with a built-in Turn on Fast Startup function. You can use it to enhance the boot-up timing of your system. However, oftentimes you can experience the problem ofwindows 11 slow bootif you have this optio...