Fast reactor fuel reprocessing plant D1206: disassembly cave window 4 replacementAt UKAEA's fast reactor reprocessing plant at Dounreay, the containment glass on the zinc bromide cave viewing window tank failed after 13 years active use. External shielding was fitted and the window tank subsequently...
Raj, "Fast reactor fuel reprocessing technology in India," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 44, 3, 393- 397 (2007).NATARAJAN, R., Fast reactor fuel reprocessing technology in India, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology , 44 (3), (2007) p 393...
The results indicated that uranous requirement for partitioning uranium and plutonium is closer to stoichiometric values and can be adopted to plant scale operations. The fast reactor reprocessing plant uses high acid, high plutonium bearing flow sheet. Under these conditions Plutonium retention in lean...
Development of a remote aliquoting system and a remote titration method for analysis of fast reactor fuel reprocessing plant samples inside a hot cell 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者:S Parthasarathy,KV Ganesh,RV Subbarao 摘要: A simple remote aliquoting system (RAS) and a remote titration ...
专利名称:Reprocessing the reactor core of the fast reactor, and the used atomic fuel material 发明人:藤村 幸治,山下 淳一,深澤 哲生,星野 国義,笹平 朗申请号:JP2007053009 申请日:20070302 公开号:JP5410653B2 公开日:20140205 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 摘要:Array 申请人:日立GEニュー...
Current status and perspective of advanced loop type fast reactor in fast reactor cycle technology development project After selecting the combination of the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) with oxide fuel, the advanced aqueous reprocessing and the simplified pelletizing f... H Niwa,K Aoto,M Mori...
In the United States, a helium-cooled fast reactor proposal, called the Energy Multiplier Module (EM2), uses as its fuel the spent fuel from existing reactors without prior reprocessing. Many of the technology requirements such as helium coolant and direct cycle gas turbine balance of plant are...
Improved analysis on multiple recycling of fuel in prototype fast breeder reactor in a closed fuel cycle An FBR closed fuel cycle involves recycling of the discharge fuel, after reprocessing and refabrication, to utilize the unburnt fuel remains and the freshl... G Pandikumar,V Gopalakrishnan,P...
There has been significant development of the SFR system; the EBR-II program in the United States14 is the primary source of fast-flux reactor data. This program included on-site reprocessing of the spent fuel to recycle uranium and plutonium. The EBR-II was a pool-type reactor with a ...
In this study, a symbiotic fuel cycle between once-through power plant and KALIMER has been analyzed. Important fuel cycle parameters such as the amount of spent fuel (SF) and the corresponding plutonium, minor actinides (MA) and fission products (FP) inventories are investigated and compared ...