具体来说,Fast quadric mesh simplification算法的步骤如下: 1.计算每个顶点的二次误差度量,将其保存在一个优先级队列中。 2.从优先级队列中选择误差最小的顶点进行处理。 3.对选择的顶点进行合并或删除操作。合并操作将选定的顶点与其相邻的顶点进行融合,而删除操作将选定的顶点从网格中删除。 4.更新被影响的相邻...
Simplify_mesh 函数简介 代码的入口函数为simplify_mesh voidsimplify_mesh(inttarget_count,doubleagreesiveness=7,boolverbose=false){// 1. 标注所有三角形的deleted tag为0...;// 2. 迭代loopfor(intiteration =0; iteration <100; iteration++) {// 2.1 减少的三角形数量满足要求,则退出迭代if(triangle_co...
CodeRead - Fast quadric mesh simplification grassofsky:计算机图形学随笔专栏 - 目录6 赞同 · 1 评论文章 代码路径见:sp4cerat/Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification: Mesh triangle reduction using quadrics (github.com) 核心思想是基于Qudaric,和[[openmesh-src-decimation]]中介绍的Decimate Algorithm相似。 实现op...
Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification Summary Since I couldn't find any code that's fast, memory efficient, free and for high quality, I developed my version of the quadric based edge collapse mesh simplification method. It uses a threshold to determine which triangles to delete, which avoids sorting...
Fast-Quadric-Mesh-Simplification-Pascal-/mergevertices.pas Go to file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time executable file195 lines (178 sloc)6.23 KB RawBlame unitmergevertices; //this function merges nearby vertices as a single vertex ...
A very fast mesh simplification algorithm based on half-edge collapse is proposed in this work with a focus on progressive graphic transmission applications. We generalize the Quadric Error Metric (QEM) method to accommodate new topological operations. A flatness criterion is combined with the defined...
使用二次曲面减少网格三角形。 这是Sven Forstmann的C ++网格简化代码的Pascal端口。 它速度快,内存效率高,免费且质量高。 它使用阈值来确定要删除的三角形,从而避免了排序,从而提高了性能,但请注意,这可能会导致质量降低。 图形用户界面可执行 这段代码已嵌入到表面渲染工具中(2016年5月5日及更高版本)。 Surf ...
Fast quadric mesh simplification using openmesh. Contribute to Hengle/OpenMesh-Fast-Quadric-Simplification development by creating an account on GitHub.
Quadric mesh simplification A leightweight package for simplifying a mesh containing node features. The algorithm fromSurface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metricswas implemented using cython. Only python versions >= 3.6 are supported Installation ...