RitaLynnGilmanFastpitchSoftballPitchingDrills T-Drills–extendglovehandinfront&pitchingarmbackformingaT;bringbothdown&snapballintonet Glovesnaps–doeveryday&betweenpitchesingamestopracticereleasepoint;dohalfsnapsandwindmillglovesnapswith:1.nofeet,2.withastomp,and3.withastompandkick ...
offering the finest bats from Miken, Anderson and Combat Virus. The best training aids for throwing and hitting featuring the ThrowMAX, the best hitting Tees and pitching machines by Bata pitching machines, and Master Pitch arm machines and the Ultimate pitching Machine. ...
Online training for fastpitch softball coaches, parents, and pitchers of all levels Train with us Our Students Commit 1 2 Join Fastpitch Power+ Members-only access to enhanced pitching instruction Features: 150+ members-only videos Downloadable resources ...
and well worth your drive. While other facilities/instructors make a quick money grab and dissappear, quit or move on, I have a proven track record of reliability, consistency and results. Since 1997, I have been in business instructing fastpitch softball pitching lessons here in Liberty Hill ...
Really, though, it’s not. I’ve been involved in fastpitch softball for more than 20 years. I had two daughters play at some level from the time they were 10 until they left high school. I’m sure I got worked up pretty well from time to time myself, although I did manage to ...
Expert fastpitch instruction and softball pitching tools From Rita Lynn Gilman, Jackie Magill, Rachel Davis, and Team Shop Our Online Store Proven Resources What We Offer Softball Pitching Tools An online store with tools selected by our expert team for your success. ...
The “Fast-Pitch Softball Pitching Tutor” is a new and useful device for pitchers in the game of softball. The “Pitching Tutor” is effective in correcting and perfecting the daily problems a pitcher may encounter. The “Pitching Tutor's” audience relates to the many people who strive to...
Fastpitch softball training facility private or group lessons, and cages for batting, pitching, catching, and fielding.
We often talk about how difficult the sport of softball is to learn and play. It can take years for players to get the hang of the game, and coaches and parents frequently get frustrated when their players don’t “get it” right away. ...
Heather pitched collegiately at Kansas State and Johnson County Community College where she was a 1st team all region pitcher. CALL HEATHER FOR SOFTBALL FASTPITCH PITCHING LESSONS IN THE KANSAS CITY / JOHNSON COUNTY AREA! 913-908-9094