Better personal loan option Applying for a no credit check loan from direct payday lenders like us is wiser than getting an auto title, title pawn and installment loan, etc., because, with us, there is no standing in lines, no hard credit checks, no strict loan requirements, and no hidde...
CMO Group –“Proposed Cancellation of AIM Listing”, YET ANOTHER Covid-era AIM IPO Roll-Call of Shame… By Steven Moore 6 days ago Andrew Bell, SMTM: will it be different this time? By Tom Winnifrith 6 days ago Ajan Rejinald’s Roquefort: RNS needed, is it still solvent? By Tom...
The standard maturity period of a loan is one year which can be renewed on request without requiring any repayment, and the period starts once you make your first loan withdrawal. Any new loan withdrawal amends the starting date to the date of the last loan withdrawal, and you only pay int...
"A clear credit record is the foundation of sound personal financial management, and one of the first things that will be scrutinised when you apply for a home loan," says Hogben explains. Bad credit, which typically results from defaulting on payments and loans, filing bankruptcy and unpai...
I bought stocks that seem to be doing well in COVID world thinking indexes might not be the place to be in what I thought was really going to be a new world. You disagreed on a prior post. I kept my equity position at 45-55% and cash at 35-45%. ...
A. She was infected with CoVid -19. B. She felt desperate during the pandemic. C. She realized future was unpredictable. D. She was afected by the death of Prince Philip. 30. What are the last two paragraphs ...
The New York Fed’s monthly Survey of Consumer Expectations, which among other things asks consumers to estimate the probability of becoming delinquent on a loan in the next three months, was 13.6% in August, the highest since a short-lived spike at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic...
The worst is chasing trending items like face masks. Thanks, Covid! Instead of chasing trends, chase evergreen products. Evergreen products are sold year-round, 365 days a year with no end in sight. Examples of evergreen products include things like Phone chargers, kids’ toys, and office...
The world certainly has changed since the last time I wrote on this blog. Covid-19. Enough said. I love being at the beach after sunset on what had been a stormy day. No filter added. No special camera. Just an amazing sky with pilings in the foreground. ...
Between wage stagnation and ballooning student loan debt, the middle class hasn’t seen the gains that upper-income households have experienced in recent decades. Back in 1971, the share of Americans who were middle class was 61%. Now, just over half of Americans live in middle-income househo...