Fast mining frequent itemsets using nodesets. Expert Syst. Appl. 2014, 41, 4505-4512. [CrossRef]Deng, Z.-H., Lv, S.-L.: Fast mining frequent itemsets using Node- sets. Exper. Syst. Appl. 41(10), 4505-4512 (2014)Zhi-Hong Deng, Sheng-Long Lv, "Fast mining frequent itemsets ...
We also present a new algorithm, using diffsets, for mining maximal patterns. Experimental comparisons, on both dense and sparse databases, show that diffsets deliver order of magnitude performance improve- ments over the best previous methods. 1 Introduction Mining frequent patterns or itemsets is ...
Recently, negative sequential patterns (NSP) (like missing medical treatments) mining is important in data mining research since it includes negative correlations between item sets, which are overlooked by positive sequential pattern mining (PSP) (for instance, utilization of medical service). Yet, d...
Z.-H. Deng, "Diffnodesets: an efficient structure for fast mining frequent itemsets," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 41, pp. 214-223, 2016.Deng, Z.-H. (2016). DiffNodesets: An efficient structure for fast mining frequent itemsets. Applied Soft Computing, 41(Supplement C), 214-223. ...
NodesetsBitmap representationFrequent itemsetsFrequent itemset mining is a basic data mining task and has numerous applications in other data mining tasks. In recent years, some data structures based on sets of nodes in a prefix tree have been presented. These data structures store essential ...
If we apply the two reduction rules as much as possible, then we obtain the canonical form for a given family of sets. We implement the sharing rule by using a hash table such that a key is an attribute triple and the value of the key is the pointer to the node corresponding to the...