pip install open3d==0.9 3. Build Clone the repository and catkin_make: cd ~/$A_ROS_DIR$/src git clone https://github.com/HViktorTsoi/FAST_LIO_LOCALIZATION.git cd FAST_LIO_LOCALIZATION git submodule update --init cd ../.. catkin_make source devel/setup.bash ...
FAST_LIO_LOCALIZATION 加入Gitee 与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 main 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支1 标签0
A simple localization framework that can re-localize in built maps based on [FAST-LIO](https://github.com/hku-mars/FAST_LIO). ## News - Migrate to **Open3D** for better performance. ## 1. Features - Realtime 3D global localization in a pre-built point cloud map. By fusing low...
pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(SavePCDDirectory_localiza + "/trajectory_localization.pcd", *cloudKeyPoses3D); 2.3 保存 log 文件 这小节需要借鉴上一节的内容,然后通过宏实现路径的加载,确实这样设计的方法很不错,通过读取ROOT_DIR动态智能化所在的位置,然后其他想要读取的位置就在ROOT_DIR基础之上进行增量式修改...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO withRe-localizationfunction module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. ...
申请加入组织 热门 LIO_collection 1 0 0 UGV_GPSLOCALIZATION_FOLLOWPATH 1 0 0 Lidar_RGB_fusion Livox lidar RGB fusion for agricultural robot application 1 0 0 Pyrealsense_Open3D_samples Pyrealsense read depth and color image from realsense and visulize scene as point cloud by using Open3D ...
acquisition of the complete data set. However, real-time dynamic imaging can also be performed online in 3D to facilitate ROI localization and probe positioning. This is presented in Supplementary Video5which shows the probe head being translated across the palm but in this case, the 3D images ...
Fast detection and characterization of seismic sources is crucial for decision-making and warning systems that monitor natural and induced seismicity. However, besides the laying out of ever denser monitoring networks of seismic instruments, the incorpor
pip install open3d==0.9 3. Build Clone the repository and catkin_make: cd ~/$A_ROS_DIR$/src git clone https://github.com/HViktorTsoi/FAST_LIO_LOCALIZATION.git cd FAST_LIO_LOCALIZATION git submodule update --init cd ../.. catkin_make source devel/setup.bash Remember to source the ...
FAST-LIO-LOCALIZATION: The integration of FAST-LIO withRe-localizationfunction module. Control and Plan: IKFOM: A Toolbox for fast and high-precision on-manifold Kalman filter. UAV Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles: One of the implementation of FAST-LIO in robot's planning. ...