heat, and drought. So, if you want fast growing shrubs orground covering plantsthat won’t take too much of your attention, consider these shrubs.
Maintenance: Regular light pruning throughout the growing season helps maintain shape and promote continuous flowering. Pests and Diseases Common Pests and Diseases Buddleia is generally pest and disease-resistant, but it is essential to be aware of potential problems. Pests: Aphids: These small inse...
The maintenance of an intact water column in the xylem lumen several meters above the ground is essential for woody plant viability. In fact, abiotic and biotic factors can lead to the formation of emboli in the xylem, interrupting sap flow and causing consequences on the health status of the...
The planting density was 64 plantlet cuttings per m2, and the hedgerows were pruned monthly to maintain a 70–80 cm height during the growing season. Our visual assessment was that the plants were growing poorly, exhibiting weak annual growth, which is why they were selected for this study....