Fun facts about the Hindi language About the Hindi language English has borrowed a large number of words from the Hindi language; Each letter of the Hindi alphabet has its distinct sound; Hindi-speaking regions of India celebrateHindi Dayon September 14. ...
featuring exquisite temples, shrines and gardens. Nara, another ancient capital about one hour by car from Kyoto, has several architectural treasures from the 8th Century. Many visitors also join tours to see and photograph 12,388-foot-high Mt. Fuji, Japan’s splendid peak. The ...
Education:Doctorate in Philosophy and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Jagiellonian University Other Facts Pope John Paul II died in April 2005 at the age of 84. His official cause of death was septic shock and cardio-circulatory collapse. He had suffered from Parkinson’s disease, arthritis and ...