最具创新力公司奖(Most Innovative Companies Award)由Fast Company设立于2008年,每年举办一次,旨在表彰正在改变行业和塑造社会的公司。2022年,Fast Company授予400家公司这一殊荣,无论是全球最大的公司,还是只有少数员工的初创公司,都有机会参赛获奖。 《Fast Company》公布了2024年“最具创新力公司”榜单,该榜单共挑...
全球知名商业财经杂志《Fast Company快公司》,自2008年推出“年度最具创新力企业榜单(Most Innovative Companies)”,旨在放眼全球,发现过去一年中,在产品研发与商业策略上最具突破性与创新精神的公司。 它们的存在,不仅重塑行业形态,更为全社会引入崭新愿景。 这份榜单由《快公司》的编辑和撰稿人评选,标准有4个:Innovat...
March 2, 2023 – Helsinki, Finland –Varjo has been named to Fast Company’s prestigious annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2023.This year’s list highlights the businesses at the forefront of their respective industries, paving the way for the innovations of ...
We’re thrilled to announce that Donut has been named to Fast Company’s annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2023! This win emphasizes the importance of workplace relationships and the impact of connection-building tools to create high performing teams. This recognition comes...
Singapore, March 3, 2023:Grab, Southeast Asia’s leading superapp, has been named to Fast Company’s prestigious annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2023. Featured alongside companies which are setting the standard with some of the greatest accomplishments of the modern ...
3月19日,知名商业媒体《快公司》(Fast Company)公布了“全球最具创新力的10家医药公司名单”。这份名单反映了过往一年治疗顽固性疾病上的重大突破,许多上榜公司为以往难以有效治疗的疾病带来“首款”或“改变游戏规则”的疗法,这些领域包含阿尔茨海默病、血友病、抑郁症等。这些入选公司代表着人类在医药创新路程中的前...
We’re proud to announce that the work our team did on Mercury Venture Debt in 2022 earned us a spot onFast Company’slist of the world'stop ten most innovative companies in finance of 2023. Looking back, it’s clear that this product has had a significant impact on the entrepreneurs wh...
Fast Company named NBCUniversal as theNo. 3 most innovative companyin media for 2024. This year’s list shines a spotlight on businesses that are shaping industry and culture through their innovations. These organizations are setting new standards and achieving remarkable milestones in all sectors of...
Arcadis凯谛思被Fast Company杂志评为2024年全球最具创新力公司(Fast Company Annual List of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024)。 在推动和影响变革方面,Arcadis凯谛思跻身于全球顶尖公司之列。包括Arcadis凯谛思在内的上榜公司,通过其新颖且有影响力的工作,改变了商业和建筑环境。
/PRNewswire/ -- Fast Company, the world's leading business media brand, today announced ZGF as one of its Most Innovative Companies in their 2024 ranking. The...