zipOS.putNextEntry(newZipEntry(itemFileName));try{ is = fastDFS.downloadFile(info.getFileId());// is = fastDFS.downloadFile("group1/M00/00/C0/wKgjdWQYEJ-AbefsAdOyZXrKanw028.doc");intlen=0;byte[] buffer =newbyte[1024*8];while((len = != -1) { zipOS.write(buff...
}publicString uploadFile(byte[] byteFile, String ext_file) {//拼接服务区的文件路径StringBuffer sbPath =newStringBuffer(); sbPath.append("");try{//初始化文件资源ClientGlobal .init("C:\\Users\\alsr\\Desktop\\ITOO-5.0\\itoo-video-Test\\dmsd-itoo-video-parent\\dmsd-...
client对象的操作方法文档: client.upload_by_filename(文件名) 或 client.upload_by_buffer(文件bytes数据) 1. 2. 3. 如: >>> client.upload_by_filename('/home/moluo/Desktop/1.png') >>> {'Group name': 'group1', 'Remote file_id': 'group1/M00...
proxy_buffer_size 16k; proxy_buffers 4 64k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 128k; proxy_temp_file_write_size 128k; #设置缓存存储路径、存储方式、分配内存大小、磁盘最大空间、缓存期限 proxy_cache_path /fastdfs/cache/nginx/proxy_cache levels=1:2 ...
# which group to upload file # when store_lookupsetto1,mustsetstore_group to the group name store_group=group2 # 当上一个参数设定为1 时 (store_lookup=1,即指定组名时),必须设置本参数为系统中存在的一个组名。如果选择其他的上传方式,这个参数就没有效了。
upload_by_buffer(file_data) except Exception as e: print(e) raise # {'Group name': 'group1', 'Status': 'Upload successed.', 'Remote file_id': 'group1/M00/00/00/ #','Uploaded size':'6.0KB','Local file name':'test' # , 'Storage IP': ...
body: Emitted when a request sent from this client has received the body of a reply. This receives aBufferas the parameter. response: Emitted when the client has received a completed response for a request it made. This is passed the following arguments: ...
bytes = recv(sock, pTask->data + pTask->offset, recv_bytes, 0); // 根据buffer情况读取数据 if (bytes < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { } else if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ ...
fdfs.upload('e:/shou.jpg').then(function(fileId){// fileId 为 group + '/' + filenameconsole.log(fileId);}).catch(function(err){console.error(err);); 上传Buffer varfs=require('fs');// 注意此处的buffer获取方式只为演示功能,实际不会这么去构建buffervarbuffer=fs.readFileSync('test.gif...