thereby tricking the application into loading the session of that user. An injection attack is practically the opposite of a spoofing attack. In an injection attack, a malicious entity forces a legitimate user to make requests to the server with the attacker's session ID. Because the session ID...
Desktop App with tauri Self-host Model: Fully compatible withRWKV-Runner, as well as server deployment ofLocalAI: llama/gpt4all/rwkv/vicuna/koala/gpt4all-j/cerebras/falcon/dolly etc. Artifacts: Easily preview, copy and share generated content/webpages through a separate window#5092 ...
from modules.api import api File "/content/microsoftexcel/modules/api/", line 19, in from modules.api import models File "/content/microsoftexcel/modules/api/", line 112, in ).generate_model() File "/content/microsoftexcel/modules/api/", line 97, in generate_mode...
Nullable<PostgreSqlFlexbileServerCapabilityStatus> 功能的状态。 reason String 功能不可用的原因。 supportedTier String 快速预配支持的层名称。 supportedSku String 快速预配支持的 SKU 名称。 supportedStorageGb Nullable<Int64> 快速预配...
learn = RNN_Learner(md, TextModel(to_gpu(m)), opt_fn=opt_fn)learn.reg_fn = partial(seq2seq_reg, alpha=2, beta=1)learn.clip=25.learn.metrics = [accuracy] 我们将为不同层使用判别学习率[1:40:20]。 lr=3e-3lrm = 2.6lrs = np.array([lr/(lrm**4), lr/(lrm**3), lr/(lrm*...
FastGPT 使用了 one-api 项目来管理模型池,其可以兼容 OpenAI 、Azure 、国内主流模型和本地模型等。 5.安装Docker和docker-compose # 安装 Dockercurl-fsSL|bash-sdocker--mirrorAliyun systemctlenable--nowdocker# 安装 docker-composecurl-L
一共要启动三个服务分别是controller、model_worker(vllm 使用vllm_worker)、openai_api_server vllm 加快推理速度:就是快点给出问题的答案 pip install vllm 1. 第一步启动controller python -m fastchat.serve.controller --host 1. 其他参数 --host参数指定应用程序绑定的主机名或IP地址。默认情况下...
because it is lightweight, pre-renders our site on the server and sends it to the client as an HTML page. In addition, it features a built-in bundling system that groups our assets files, such as CSS, images and JavaScript files to cut down on request volume and speed up loading time...
用utils里的 load_model_on_gpus方法。 这样会把模型拆分到两个显卡。 但推理速度会下降,因为拆分了两个显卡要互相通信。 也可以试试官方文档里的vllm。 使用vllm加载qwen-7b模型的时候显存占到40G左右,但关掉vllm时占用17G显存,我该如何在使用vllm的时候降低显存呢? 将GPU_MEMORY_UTILIZATION 参数调低, GPU_...
application server, put most of the application logic in the server. The web app is often just an interface on top of this server, which is responsible for all the essential functions of the app: storing and processing data, issuing security credentials, and hosting the core application logic...