If you are building a CLI app to be used in the terminal instead of a web API, check out Typer. Typer is FastAPI's little sibling. And it's intended to be the FastAPI of CLIs. ⌨️ 🚀 Requirements FastAPI stands on the shoulders of giants: Starlette for the web parts. Pydantic...
FastAPI ML Project In this project, we will learn how we can build an application programming interface (API) for your machine learning model and then deploy it with simple code. It took me one hour to learn FastAPI and five minutes to learn how to deploy it to Deta servers. We will al...
Astro and Vue have been successfully installed and set up. The following stage is to develop a project using Vue and Astro. Creating Application with Astro and Vue Let’s explore how we can build an application with Astro and Vue. In this section, we are going to use NASA API to build ...
不是通用的文件系统,只能通过专有API访问,目前提供了C、Java和PHP API为互联网应用量身定做,解决大容量文件存储问题,追求高性能和高扩展性FastDFS可以看做是基于文件的key value pair存储系统,称作分布式文件存储服务更为合适。
"Github": { "Lookup": {// ip查找 "Domains": [// 查找的域名,下面是github最主要的域名 "github.com", "api.github.com", "collector.githubapp.com", "github.githubassets.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com", "avatars.githubusercontent.com", ...
eProsima Fast RTPS 是一个高性能的发布订阅框架,使用基于发布者、订阅者和数据主题的解耦模型在分布式系统中共享数据。 Fast RTPS 实现了许多 DDS 规范,例如 DDS 安全性、DDS-XTypes、RPC over DDS、DDS TCP PSM 和现代 C DDS 映射,但Fast RTPS中一些核心 DDS API 尚未完全符合标准。
网址:https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm vLLM是一个开源的大模型推理加速框架,通过PagedAttention高效地管理attention中缓存的张量,实现了比HuggingFace Transformers高14-24倍的吞吐量。 PagedAttention 是 vLLM 的核心技术,它解决了LLM服务中内存的瓶颈问题。传统的注意力算法在自回归解码过程中,需要将所有输入To...
FastDFS是一款开源的轻量级分布式文件系统,使用C实现,支持Linux、BSD等unix-like操作系统。值得注意的是,fastdfs并不是通用的文件系统,只能通过专用的API访问。fastdfs为互联网应用量身定做,解决了大容量文件存储的问题,fastdfs追求高性能和高扩展性。fastdfs的主要概念: ...
通常情况下,转换模型的工具一般使用rknn-toolkit2,但是这个工具API比较多,用起来较为复杂。为了让大家能够更快速的转换模型,在FastDeploy中,我已经编写了转换模型的代码并且提供了详细的文档。详情请查看FastDeploy RKNPU2模型转换文档。这里为了缩短篇幅,直接给出模型转换的配置文件以及模型转换的文档。大家可以参考这几...
The interactive API documentation will be automatically updated, including the new body: Click on the button "Try it out", it allows you to fill the parameters and directly interact with the API: Then click on the "Execute" button, the user interface will communicate with your API, send...