The Fast Saga (also known as The Fast and the Furious) is an American franchise including a series of action films, which center on illegal illegal street racing and heists, and various other media portraying the characters and situations from the films. Distributed by Universal Pictures, the...
The Fast and the Furious Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Fast X Franchise Upcoming Films Hobbs & Reyes Fast XI Feature Films The Fast and the Furious 2 Fast 2 Furious The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Fast &...
The Fast and the Furious - Providing strong evidence that women are every bit as capable as men when it comes to driving fast, hitting hard, and bringing adrenaline-fueled action scenes to the big screen, Michelle Rodriguez's Letty Ortiz is one of the franchise's standout characters. You m...
The Fast & The Furious Wiki 328 páginas Explora en:Personajes de 2 Fast 2 Furious,Personajes masculinos Slap Jack Inicia sesión para editar Historial Comentarios (0) Slap Jack Nombre completo Desconocido Alias(es) Slap Jack Ciudadanía
Lance Nguyen es el primo y secuaz de de Johnny Tran. Es el antagonista secundario en The Fast and the Furious. Cuando Dominic Toretto y Brian O'Conner entran sin autorización en Little Saigon, están rodeados por la pandilla de motociclistas de Johnny y
Dominic "Dom" Toretto is the eldest son of Jack Toretto, the brother of Jakob and Mia, husband to Letty Ortiz, the uncle of Jack and his younger sister, the cousin of Fernando, and the father of Brian Marcos. An elite street racer and auto mechanic, Dom is a man with a strong ...
Fast and Furious (Hebrew: מהיר ועצבני) is the sixth episode of HaMerotz LaMillion 5. Legend: First Place • Eliminated • Last placer on a Non-Elimination Leg or continue racing on a No-Rest Leg • S
That same year, he cast Haze in The Fast and the Furious and then as Billy Candy in the 1955 western Five Guns West, starring John Lund and Dorothy Malone.They were the first of nearly 20 movies they made together, including 1955’s Apache Woman and Day the World Ended; 1956’s ...
Se dice que Elle tenía 11 años cuando Han la salvó. Dado que esto tiene lugar alrededor de los eventos deThe Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, que en la línea de tiempo tiene lugar en 2014, y los eventos deF9tienen lugar en 2019, se puede suponer que Elle tiene alrededor de...
Luke Hobbs Enemigos Carter Verone(antiguo intereés amoroso) Enrique Roberto Curiosidades AunqueEva Mendesaparece enFast Five, no se le acredita su cameo. Su frase "¿Crees en fantasmas?" más tarde se usó en los tráileres deFast & Furious 6....