The Fast and the Furious Los Angeles police officer Brian O'Conner must decide where his loyalty really lies when he becomes enamored with the street racing world he has been sent undercover to end it. Title Summary All ReleasesOriginal Release2009 Re-release2020 Re-release2021 Re-release...
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift: Directed by Justin Lin. With Lucas Black, Damien Marzette, Trula M. Marcus, Zachery Ty Bryan. A teenager becomes a major competitor in the world of drift racing after moving in with his father in Tokyo to avoid a ja
Universal elected to delay Fast & Furious 9 a full year so it would come out in May 2021. This wasn't just disappointing news for Fast & Furious fans ready for the next installment, but it also significantly delayed when a new trailer would arrive. Fans continued to wonder when new foota...