1. 背景 本文介绍阿里云EBS团队发表在Fast 2024上的论文《What’s the Story in EBS Glory: Evolutions and Lessons in Building Cloud Block Store》,获得了Best Paper,实至名归,非常值得大家读一读。论文主要介绍了EBS过去十多年经过3代发展的设计选择、生产经验和教训:EBS1(2012年)、EBS2(2015年)和EBS3(20...
FAST 2024 Best Paper的结论“文件碎片造成SSD性能退化的根本原因是die-level collisions”可能是有问题的...
浙江大学 FAST-Lab FAR课题组 2024代表性研究成果 | 空中机器人 | 人工智能 | 集群机器人 | 自主导航Fei_GAO 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 48.1万 1056 07:40 App 浙大Science Robotics封面 全自主微型飞行机器人集群 3.5万 9 00:34 App 很多研究人员都放弃具身智能了 1.2万 0 00:...
我和我飞导【浙江大学FAST Lab】, 视频播放量 26192、弹幕量 11、点赞数 356、投硬币枚数 85、收藏人数 197、转发人数 76, 视频作者 苹果冒个泡儿, 作者简介 Just a guy ,相关视频:30岁,我在浙江大学当教授【ME32】,本来很想去 FAST Lab 的...,UWB测距 浙大Fast-Lab
浙大 FAST-Lab 高飞团队 ICRA 论文三项 Best Paper 入围 恭喜浙江大学 FAST-Lab 钟宇航同学的论文 A Trajectory-based Flight Assistive System for Novice Pilots in Drone Racing Scenario 顺利发表 ICRA 2024,并同时入选三项 Finalist:the IEEE ICRA Best Conference Paper Awardthe IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award ...
X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a commercially established modality for imaging large objects like passenger luggage. CT can provide the density and the effective atomic number, which is not always sufficient to identify threats like explosives and nar
development orbit showed the performances were in the wave-pattern.Meanwhile,the progress of science and technology and the economy could change the development curves.In this paper,the development characteristics were studied to provide reference for the future development of track and field events in...
会议名称: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) 主办单位: IEEE 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 IEEEXplore IEEEXplore (全网免费下载) 相似文献A linear time algorithm for finding tree-decompositions of small treewidth In this paper, we give for constant...
If you find our work or any of our materials useful, please cite our paper: @article{wong2024scribbleprompt, title={ScribblePrompt: Fast and Flexible Interactive Segmentation for Any Biomedical Image}, author={Hallee E. Wong and Marianne Rakic and John Guttag and Adrian V. Dalca}, journal=...
Article 11 September 2024 Main Image noise is the random fluctuation of colour or intensity values that is inherent to image acquisition. It usually presents as a hazy shroud that obscures an otherwise clear visual signal. Image denoising methods try to fix this by removing noise after the fact...