fascism 意思是: 法西斯主义; 1922年,最初在英语中以其意大利形式fascismo(见fascist)于1920年使用。从1923年开始应用于德国的类似团体;自互联网以来应用于所有人。这是一种政治行为形式,其特点是对社区衰落、屈辱或受害感的过度关注,以及对团结、活力和纯洁的补偿崇
Ingenious and arresting visuals keep arriving at the same pace as the unexpected jolts of baleful political meaning. Like John Ford and Alfred Hitchcock, Pabst kept a rigorous plan for what he would do on set and shot as little film as necessary to prevent studio interference as much as ...
Which is why libertarianism (what Hayek would have called liberalism, meaningclassical liberalism) is the proper philosophy of government. Assuming, of course, one values individual rights and civil society. P.S. I alsovisited the Solidarity Museum in Polanda few years ago. Maybe I could put to...
Here, I am reminded of what is perhaps the most quoted sentence in Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning: “Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now! It seems to me that there is nothing...
Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in 1919. The word comes from the Italian "fascio," meaning a bundle or group, and is considered a term for a militant brotherhood. The word "fasces" means an ax tightly bound with sticks, an image that became a symbol of the fascist movement, accordin...
“Fascism is never entirely interred in the past and…[it] can crystallize in different forms…Saying that we can’t discuss fascism today because it doesn’t look like the worst expressions of the quintessential fascisms of old is like saying we cannot talk about Chinese communism today ...
But if regimes like The Soviet Union or Saddam's Iraq or modern North Korea are not evil, then "evil" has no meaning as a word. Since I deny the existence of hell and satan, I suppose I have no ultimate reference point for what is wrong. I think national socialism is as close as...
The term originated in Italy and is derived fromfascio,meaning a bundle of rods, and is used to symbolize strength through unity: a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is difficult to break. After the end of the World War I, fascism rose out of relative obscurity into internatio...
”[49]Mussolini stated that fascism’s position on the political spectrum was not a serious issue for fascists: “Fascism, sitting on the right, could also have sat on the mountain of the center. … These words in any case do not have a fixed and unchanged meaning: they do have a ...
in all the ignorance and malice of these demonstrators, hopes to blow up Congress, if he even knows the meaning of his mask, which is unlikely. The mask, and its anarchist violence, were popularized in a ridiculous 2005 move,V for Vendetta, by the Wachowskis (brothers, then brother and ...