“美国联邦采购精简法案(Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, FASA)是在1994年通过的一项法案,旨在简化和加速联邦政府的采购流程。这项法案对联邦采购制度进行了重大改革,以提高效率并减少不必要的官僚程序。 在定制化开发方面,FASA鼓励联邦机构更多地利用商业市场上现有的产品和服务,而不是定制开发。法案强调了采购商业...
FASA,即Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994的缩写,中文直译为“1994年联邦收购精简法”。这个术语主要用于描述1994年实施的一项旨在简化联邦政府采购过程的法案。该缩写在英语中具有较高的流行度,达到了9834,显示出其在相关领域的广泛应用。FASA主要属于Community领域的缩写词,其具体应用领域可能...
FASA,即Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994的缩写,其中文含义是“1994年联邦收购精简法”。这个术语主要应用于政府法律领域,用于简化联邦政府的采购程序,提高效率。FASA的中文拼音为nián lián bāng shōu gòu jīng jiǎn fǎ,其在英语中的流行度达到了9834,表明它在相关法律文件和讨论...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition FASAFabricacion De Automoviles Sa FASAFederal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 FASAFranchise Association South Africa ...
Andy Fasa (Francisco Anderson, Ipu Ceará, 1994) began his journey in the world of electronic music at age 12. Later, he entered the field of music production and fell in love with House Music and Electro house went on to produce various dance styles, trying to merge into their tracks...
The «Situational Context»of a specific action or behaviour is characterized by (c.f. March 1994; Busse 2019): a specific place and time, a specific spatial structure, a degree of formality (intimate, familiar, private, semi-private, public, etc.), ...
1994 ... Carl Sargent & Marc Gasgione ... 104 pages ... FASA 7116 ... ISBN 1555602525 Check Wayne's Books InventoryAmazonBug City "For years, a shadow war has raged against the Universal Brotherhood and its savage masters — parasitic insect spirits that feed on human hosts. Now Chic...
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英文 罗马尼亚文 Fasa +添加翻译 英文-罗马尼亚文字典 HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource 显示算法生成的翻译 将“Fasa"自动翻译成 罗马尼亚文 Fasa Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 最受欢迎的查询列表:1K,~2K,~3K,~4K,~5K,~5-10K,~10-20K,~20-50K,~50-100K,~100k-200K,~200-500K...
2,Mizuhara H, O'Neill E, Seki N, et al. T cell activation-associated hepatic injury: mediation by tumor necrosis factors and protection by interleukin-6. J Exp Med, 1994, 179:1529-1537. 3,Gantner F, Lrist M, Lohse AW, et al. Concanavalin A-induced T-cell-mediated hepatic injury in...