like other small and mid-size family farmers, had experienced the downfalls of trying to buy more land and “play in the high-debt game.” They ended up selling their cattle in the 1980s and focused on crops, mainly corn and soybeans, to maintain profits. ...
They’re shipping it in and then selling it, and no one kind of asks. And if you’re not well acquainted with the local area, you might not know the difference. And so that’s one of the things that we’re really stringent on with LAEF is we really only are taking in farmers ...
A couple months later, I found someone about an hour and a half away who had four Lavender Orpington roosters she was selling very cheap because she had raised them to be meat birds but couldn’t bring herself to butcher them because they had such sweet personalities. Well, she was right...
16 common edible weeds growing in your yard... with recipes! Shares:81925 Best EDIBLE plants to grow in shade (fruit, herbs & veggies) Shares:20591 Chicken of the woods mushrooms - how to grow, forage & eat w/ recipe Shares:21231 Organic, Grass-Fed Meat Delivery...
When Five Acre Farms first started selling eggs, barely anyone bought them. We couldn’t even give them away. Orders were so small we could pick them up in a Toyota Tercel! One day that all changed. The buyer for a local diner called up one of our milk distributors in a panic. She...
European legislation has limited further improvement of MPPUs (e.g., different stunning system, carcass decontamination and water-bath chilling), confining PPP meat to local production and selling. Nonetheless, other countries could take advantage of the European experience and improve MPPUs according ...